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Flynn's been nothing but silent for the whole time we've walked. We're nearing where the hospital should be located in the real world. This whole situation seems so bizarre. All I've seen so far is a shit ton of blood and bodies strewn all over the place.
"I have a question.." I said timidly.
"What is it?" he said, without looking at me
"All the bodies we've seen, were they your doing?"
"Ah... Some of them, yeah, but I promise it won't happen to you."
"Please keep that promise."

This world is just outlandish. Looking into the woods from Brian's car.. It was eerie, it seemed like the air in those woods were stagnant, nothing but dread, just like it is in this nightmare. A nightmare where I have full control of my body, a nightmare where I have to kill people to escape, a nightmare where all my fears are real. But that lavender fragrance, that familiar fragrance that used to surround my house. It calms my anxiety, making me relaxed from all the gore I've seen so far. But it reminds me of one thing.

Dimown, I miss him, I really do. The way he cuddles up next to me while I watch TV, the way he purrs when I rub his belly. I miss him. I feel a hand stop me from moving any further, "What?" I whispered.
"People, no shit Violet."
"What do we do?"
"Well, I'm doing the killing so you stay here, find somewhere to hide, come towards me when you see I'm done."

I nodded and hid behind a broke-down car.

Flynn pulls out a machete from his bag and walks towards the fight. One had already died when he reached the other. He nonchalantly gripped the machete tightly and forcefully swung it towards the guy's neck. And just like that, the guy's head fell to the ground, blood spewing everywhere. I ran towards Flynn, just for my stupid cloak to be caught up under my shoes, causing me to almost trip and my tight corset? Honestly, this is the worst get-up ever. I lifted my cloak and continued rushing towards Flynn. "Hey, you okay? You stumbled a bit there." he asked.
"I'm fine, you?"
"As good as I'll ever be."
I tried taking the cloak off, but by some sort of magic, it just doesn't come off.
"Why am I stuck in this get-up?" I mumbled.
"Honestly, I don't know either."

Remaining silent, we walked even further and closer to the hospital. Shortly, we arrived in front of the hospital. I told Flynn there could be some supplies in there so we went ahead and searched the place. I knew every nook and cranny of the hospital, what we needed for wounds and where they were placed. For once, the hospital felt welcoming to me, it felt safe for me, a place where thousands of deaths could happen in a year felt safer than my own home. More deaths are happening outside than inside, that's why I felt safe. I swiftly made my way to the medication area, hoping to find at least one bottle of ointment.

To my surprise, it was just as I remembered it to be, stocked with a lifetime supply of medicine, ointment and bandages. How? I don't know, I would've imagine the hospital to already have been raided. I grabbed as much as I could and stuffed them into Flynn's bag.
"Is it heavy?"
"Not really, nothing I can't handle."
"Thanks for holding it but, sit down for a bit and don't move."
He nodded and obeyed what I said. I untied the cloth from his neck and doused a bandage with ointment. "This will hurt a lot." I carefully tied the bandage around his neck where it was wounded. He hissed in pain, clutching his bag trying to take out the pain. "I'm sorry.." I said, flinching, sharing the pain I see. I tried to make it as painless and as quick as possible.

"Hey.. Thanks Violet."
"It's okay, no big deal honestly."
"It means a lot to me, I know you don't fully trust me and all but you're still trying to patch me up, really, thank you."
"It's for the alliance."
"Ah, right. But seriously, just accept the thanks."
"Fine." I smiled at him.

"And... done."
"Thanks Violet."

I smiled once again, making sure the bandage was secure on his neck. Hopefully it'll get better soon. "We should get going, I don't like being cornered." Flynn peeked his head out of the door. "Can I at least see what my office looks like now? I don't think I'll be back in the real world any time soon.." I was feeling a little anxious about leaving the hospital as it's been my second home for most of my career as a doctor. "Sure, just don't take too long, I'll be right behind you."

I sneaked towards my office and reached for the doorknob. "Strange, it's locked. I never lock my door." I was absolutely confused, I tried opening the other doors and they were all unlocked, I didn't look in cause I was terrified there would be something waiting for us beyond the doors. I turned to Flynn and shook my head, he nodded and led me outside. I really wanted to see my office but I guess that would've been more heartbreaking knowing I wouldn't be able to go back that easily. I got that thought out of my head and kept following Flynn.

"Hey, you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm okay, just a bit disappointed I guess."
"It'll be fine, I'll make sure you get through it."
"It's nothing."
"How's your neck?"
"Could be better. You really didn't need to do that you know? I couldn't hurt a girl no matter what."
"But..What if we come across girls in this nightmare?"
"I've seen none so far. But if we do come across them, you'd have to do it..."
"I can't..."
"Just try..I want you to survive.."

The thought of killing someone still frightens me, saving people from potential death is what I do for a living. It's what I do to live.

"I can't."
"You can, I believe in you."
"I really can't, you know what I do for a living. You can't possibly expect me do the exact opposite of what I'm supposed to do.."
Flynn sighed deeply.
"You're right.. But you need to at least know some self-defense.. I'll train you.."

All I could do was nod, it was the best deal I'm getting. Death. A situation that will eventually happen to everyone, is it even worth it to be alive? I shook my head to clear my thoughts. Deep, I laughed a bit. Flynn looked at me completely confused.

"What's so funny?"
"Nothing, just had a deep thought that was unintentional."
"You're one hell of a weird girl, aren't you?"
"I'll take that as a compliment."
He smiled. That was warm.. The only warmth I've felt in a while.

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