It Won't Last Long

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There it stood again, vague and distant, there was mist surrounding it so I could barely make out the shape of the mask. It gradually advanced towards me but I was unable to move a single muscle. A cold gust of wind blew by that caused me to shudder as it got closer and closer.

Its hand slowly reached towards my mask to remove it, laying a warm hand on my cheek. That hand, it was a familiar one. Terror struck me as I realized whose it was. I feel a tear form in the corner of my eye as I softly mouthed "Please leave me alone... Please....".

He didn't utter a single word but you could sense the shit-eating grin he wore on his face through the crinkles in the corner of his eyes that were peeping through the mask. I closed my eyes, hoping none of this was real, hoping no one was hurt, hoping no one had to die because of this cruel monster. 

I shot up in cold sweat, looking around the room only to see Flynn sitting next to the bed with an uneasy look on his face. "Hey, what's wrong?" Flynn asked while wiping the sweat on my neck with the sleeve of his robe. 
"It's him again." I was trembling, I had no idea what to do, I was so lost. 
"Listen, it's okay, I'll always be with you, you know that, we're gonna get through this together okay?" Flynn tried to reassure me with a heartwarming smile and a tight hug.

I noticed a card on the table again, I didn't want to read it. I didn't want to know what he had to say. But curiosity got the best of me. 

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I quietly read it and let out a big, frustrated sigh. I can change this, can't I? There's no way I'm letting Flynn die. He's survived this long, there has to be a way to get out of this together. 

"Let's head outside and check the counter, I just really wanna get this over with and get out of here as soon as possible." Flynn stretched and yawned while walking out of the office.

I followed behind him, trying to think of a way to let Flynn survive. Of course, I didn't want to die either but if it's the only way that Flynn can get out of here, I'm willing to do it. He deserves it more than I do.

'0004'. Flynn was ready to hunt the last two people down, machete in hand. I really admired his determination, he does know that only one of us gets to leave this nightmare right..? 

Flynn was relaxed, swinging his machete around playfully while strolling around the city, hoping to see someone soon but it changed in the blink of an eye. His face was intimidating, his eyes were filled with anger, his grip tightened on his machete as he turned around and looked at me.

I froze in horror, is he going to kill me? Is this how it's going to end for me? I didn't utter a single word and just shut my eyes tightly to accept my fate. He deserves to live more than I do, it's okay. 

"Hey, hey, Vi, it's okay, open your eyes." His voice was so soft and caring, his hands grabbed onto my shoulders gently. I'm dead now, right? I slowly opened my eyes back into reality, confused about why I was still there. 

"You're silly, you know. Did you really think I would kill you?" Flynn laughed. I heard liquid spilling everywhere behind me, I wanted to look but I couldn't bring myself to. "What happened?" I knew he killed someone but I didn't want to see the aftermath, I could already tell it was horrid.

"He's been following us everywhere, I didn't want to say anything cause it might've scared you. I waited for him to get close enough and pretended to let my guard down to attack him. It's probably better if you don't look at what happened to him though. Sorry, I should've told you, you could've gotten hurt again." Flynn explained and got frustrated at himself for risking my safety.

He grabbed my arm and guided me away from the area but I couldn't help but take a small peek at the corpse. Sure enough, the body laid there completely lifeless, there was a big pool of blood around him, his head was a few inches from his body, blood gushing out of his neck. His mask was off and you could see the fear on his face, his eyes were bulging out of his eye sockets, mouth wide open in shock.

That means there are three people left. It's going to be hard to find the last person but I'm not ready to give up just yet. I have to find a way for both of us to survive, it must be possible.

Flynn and I ended up taking a stroll around the park at the city centre, the deafening silence accompanied by the voices in my head. I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my loosely fit robe. I felt something cold in my pocket, it was oddly shaped. I took it out of my pocket to observe it closely. It was a key. The exact key I had found in my purse the night I got transferred to this nightmare. The silver-coated plague doctor mask-shaped key, it was so beautiful, skillfully carved, completely unblemished, yet it was so eerie.

Flynn peeked over my shoulder, curious as to what I was so attentive to. He snatched the key from me, investigating it further by himself. "What's this for?" He asked while turning the key around as it shined in the reflection of the luminous street lights.
"I'm trying to figure that out myself. I've seen this key before, never got around to finding out where it goes." I said, adding another issue to the list of things I'm wracking my brain about.

Something rustled in the bush behind us, a sudden panic rushed over me.

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