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Dear Ekrizdis, 

This is my first letter ever. I am newly built, yet still have many dark tales to tell. Why would you build something as sinister as myself as a home? For your own twisted game of "find and catch", that's why. My first use was to lure unsuspecting Muggle sailors to their demise. You're a practitioner for the worst kinds of dark arts. I am covered with many concealment charms, and no one knows I am here. What I will do when you die, I do not know, but I hope it's something better than what I am now. 

And I hope you can clear those few dementors who are starting to invade. 


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(A/N. I can't believe how popular this book is becoming! 15 votes! Absolutely astounding. I would like to thank Katherine_Kenny7 and vii-xix for votes and reads. It really makes my day!

This chapter is slightly different than the others. Ekrizdis is an insane practitioner of the dark arts that used Azkaban as a home before it became a prison. This is Azkaban's first letter, before it became a jail. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you soon! - Maddy)

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