Sirius Black

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Dear Sirius Black,

Hold on. You're the closest I've ever seen to conquering me. Don't let go of what you have. You're good. You're innocent. You blame yourself for something out of your control. That would be as if I blamed myself for all the deaths within my walls. That would send me insane, and it will do the same for you. Have faith in humanity. They haven't done very good things for you, but if you hold onto that little bit of innocence you'll go far. Farther than the my walls. Farther than the burial grounds outside my wall. Farther than the North Sea I sit in. Farther than you thought was possible. Have optimism. Most of the time, it seems like a false sense of hope. It isn't. Optimism can't be taken away by dementors. Hope can't be taken away from the dementors. You can't be taken away from the dementors. Why? Because I have faith in you. You can leave this place. Your only still here because you think you deserve it. No innocent man deserves to be in my walls. This should only be for the killers, the threats to societies. What do you pose? A little doggy who would barely bite unless provoked? You're a dog for a reason. You're loyal and strong, and unlike any person I've ever met in these walls. Reach for yourself, Sirius, because you're the brightest star in the sky. 


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