Stanley Shunpike

430 19 1

Dear Stan Shunpike,

The ministry is more corrupt than ever, don't you think? You're 21, young and full of life. You have a successful job as conductor of the Knight Bus. Yet here you are. Funny how life works? Suspicions of Death Eater activities? Looks to me as if the Ministry is arresting random people to look like they're 'doing something'. They're doing crap, that's what they're doing. Just don't go gossiping anymore. And you're, for lack of better words, not so bright. So be careful out there, you don't want to land in the wrong hands. [Tiny addition: 1997- He just was imperioused. I knew I should have done more for me] [Tiny addition 2: 1998- No longer imperioused, so let's hope he does better this time around.]


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