Lighting the Pyre

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Now does the night grow eerie with howling,
now stalks near Circe's strange menagerie,
fierce-jowled predators grunting and growling,
presaging some terrible tragedy.

The pyre - gross-swollen by Atropos' doubts,
banded bizarrely by curious vigil,
yielding wild glimpses of snot-glistened snouts,
they have come to witness the death ritual.

Atropos raises her shears to the night,
circles pyre upon which lays the ridgil*,
clenches her fist, grinding blades, striking light
cruelly aware of powerful sigil*.

As flames take the boy in their blazing arms,
the crew adds lament to bestial alarms.

*ridgil = a colt with undescended testicles
*sigil = a sign or image supposedly having magical power

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