The Oracle

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Ampelios groans, then - up-anchors self,
'I see you misconstrue,' he surmises.
'I weep for prophecy, not for myself,
I had thought to outwit fate's devices.'

'But Pythia* will not by man be foxed,
as foretold, I have killed my half-brother.'
As crew stares in shock, entirely flummoxed,
he amends: 'We share not the same mother.'

'But the goddess' ring!' Thetis insists.
'Will not work, for my mother feels fury
that a child exists, seed of lustful trysts
twixt Hyperion* and Aphrodite.'

Will Hyperion not save dying son?
Should he not, then would seem Circe has won.

*Hyperion/Helios is the god of the sun and Circe's father but Circe refers to him as Hyperion in the Odyssey. She takes his infidelity as an insult to her mother (I have made that plot point up, mind you).
*Pythia = priestess at the Oracle of Delphi

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