
230 44 35

Beautiful instrument, tunefully played
Blithefully yields amore passionale*.         
Rough-fingered fiddling engenders dismay
tune-killing, phrase-rasping - put it away.

Encase-ensnare her, leave her secreted
Curvature-taut, flush-fashioned, vel-vetted.
tight-scroll, sleek-veil her, leave her depleted
cross-wound-ed, unbridged, untuned, unfretted.

Pandora's casket one day will open.
Then... re-chisel channels, inlay purfling*
Cleanse soft internals, all that is Trojan*
tender-amend for previous purpling.

Thrum fingers lightly, gentling her strings
touch what will quicken long-term vibrating.

*Passionate love  (Italian: pronounced - passionahlay)
* Purfling is a narrow decorative edge inlaid into the top plate and often the back plate of a stringed instrument.
*A Trojan horse, or Trojan, in computing is a generally non-self-replicating type of malware program containing malicious code that, when executed, carries out actions determined by the nature of the Trojan, typically causing loss or theft of data, and possible system harm. The term is derived from the story of the wooden horse used to trick defenders of Troy into taking concealed warriors into their city in ancient Anatolia.

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