Chapter 4

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Mandi shot up awake as tears were racing down her face. She couldn't seem to stop dreaming of that night of the accident. She looked at her arms and saw the bruises and stitches from the window glass cutting her arms and even her legs. She felt her busted lip and her fractured shoulder.

Mandi needed her parents more than ever at the moment but she knew she couldn't walk. As hard headed as she was, she forced herself out of bed but felt the excruciating pain on her legs that her doctor warned her about. During the accident, most of the car was on her legs, even she was surprised that she still had legs.

Mandi began to freak out in pain as she couldn't even move. Kermit ran into her room and found her struggling to move, "Mandi!" He cried out as he helped her back into bed, "Mandi, why would you do that?!"

"I'm tired of being in bed and not being able to do anything!" She cried.

"Mandi, you know the doctor doesn't want you walking on your own." He said as he lied next to her. He knew he was going to have to be by her side every day and every night.

Mandi sighed and placed her head on his chest. The older frog sighed as well, "Don't ever do that again.."

Mandi didn't even respond as she began to fall asleep. Kermit stroked her hair and gave a sad smile, "I love you.."

Kermit didn't sleep well for the rest of the night. He was scared that if he fell asleep, Mandi would do the same thing.

Piggy walked in and saw Kermit half asleep, "Kermit, it's 5 in the morning. You look awfully exhausted."

Kermit nodded and looked at Piggy, "I can't seem to sleep knowing what she's capable of doing when I am asleep."

Piggy gave Kermit a quick kiss on the lips and sighed, "You worry too much. She knows what she did was wrong and she knows that she won't ever do it again."

Kermit frowned and rubbed his daughter's cheek. Piggy grabbed the blanket and covered him up, "Get some sleep my love.."

Before Piggy could even say goodnight, Kermit was already fast asleep. Piggy smiled and went back to bed.

It was the afternoon and Kermit was still knocked out. Mandi was awake, staring at the ceiling listening to the sounds of her father's snores.

Piggy walked in, "Your father had a rough night. He was worried sick about you."

Mandi sighed, "I don't blame him.."

Piggy sat next to her husband and slowly began to wake him up, "Kermit.."

Kermit turned to the other side and continued to sleep, "He's awfully tired." Piggy said.

"Just let him rest. I'll stay here, I mean, I can't really go anywhere either way."

Piggy nodded and walked out. Mandi continued to stare at the ceiling as she began to have flashbacks, "No!!"

Mandi's screaming shook the frog awake, "Mandi?!"

"The flashbacks..they're back.."

Kermit tiredly pulled her into a hug and kept her in his arms, "It's okay. I'm here. Soon, you'll be back to your normal self. Tomorrow's your first day of physical therapy. You're just one step closer to being back on your feet."

Mandi sighed and nodded, "Dad it's 1 in the afternoon."

"It is?" Kermit hated having late starts to his day, "Well let me start getting ready for the day."

Mandi grabbed his hand, "Stay here dad."

"I'll be back." He said and kissed her head. He quickly went to his room to get out of his pajamas and walked back to her room.

Kermit was worried for her. He knew she was going to be fine but her mentality at the moment wasn't fine. He knew she was traumatized, "Everything will be okay baby girl."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2020 ⏰

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