Chapter 1 - Childhood

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When Vic was out to stock up the groceries in the refrigerator,her brother would come back home with stickers;her favourite past time was to collect them.Her brother knew she had a liking for them,and would always return home with some he purchased with his pocket money in school.It was a reward she would get after passing her spelling test flying colours.Which was of course,conducted by her brother.

They played country erasers,and coalesce them into a game of treasure hunt and hide and seek.Card games was the tender-hearted moments where her brother would give way to her to let her win.He was ambient,understanding and patient.

Sporadically,she would sit in a corner and observe him play their all-time favourite computer games.Although she only watched primarily,it was heart-palpitating to see the avatar her brother was using to combat against the incoming danger and challenges of monsters, mummies and tyrants to accomplish the mission.Entertaining and one of a time it was in her childhood,she felt blissful.

When her brother was not at home,Aunt Vic would commit herself to household chores or learn up the recipes while she would paint,draw and colour.Occasionally,she would get so frustrated and miffed that she was unable to achieve the outcome she wanted from painting and would subsequently grumble and sulk.

Aunt Vic would paint and draw for her to liven up her mood and please her.Her brother would talk her out of requesting Aunt Vic to draw,but she wouldn't listen.

She was still the same age when she would witness her brother getting flogged by canes.Mother would chase him around the house to get to him.Or the canes that sat threateningly next to his brother when he was studying for his national exams.She could not register this into her mind.

There were moments when she had pronounced words inaccurately in long sentences because they were just too complex for her to form.Her brother would rectify her mistake.But then again,being cheeky,mischievous and stubborn,she refused to listen.

By then,aunt Vic's contract working for their family had come to an end and had to leave to someplace else to work for a living.It was heart-wrenching and hard for the young girl,after all those happy times they had spent together.

She was sure it was a highlight of her childhood together with her family.She was not certain of how her brother felt,but she knew he would miss her all the same.

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