So, it was that.

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Killer sat there on his bed, thinking. 

Going to Lust's place was a great idea. Now he knows what to do and what not. 

He now knows what to do when his heat starts. Probably tommorow.

But the thing is, Dust is so composed, mature, responsible and can pick himself up when he wants to. This actually is the hard part. 

How was Killer supposed to tempt him...?

Lust gave him a sort of elixir, though Killer thinks that it isnt necessary to use it. Its supposed to boost one's lust. 

Ironic considering the person who gave it has the name Lust.

Killer stands up from his bed, walking out of his room. It was dark, and everyone was already inside the mansion.

Walking through the hall and towards the stairs, somebody spoke up behind him which made him stop walking ''Oh hey there Killer.'' It was Dust.

What perfect timing.

Killer blushed looking away ''U-Uh... Hello.'' He mumbled which made Dust perk up a bit confused ''Is something wrong? You seem to have a red face. Anyways, have you eaten?'' Dust brought up with a smile on his face.

This made Killer blush even more before nodding quickly ''Y-Yes I have eaten! How about you...?'' He responded in which Dust rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment ''So, it was that. I kinda have not eaten yet. I was so busy with doing my works on the computer I must have lost track of time.''

Killer nodded slowly ''Huh... S-sure... you should go eat before going back to whatever you were doing...'' He murmured turning around, going down the stairs and to the kitchen.

Dust followed him and walked in the kitchen with him ''I thought you said you ate already.'' Dust spoke up that made Killer chuckle ''Im still hungry.'' Dust grinned from that ''Atleast I have someone to eat with now.'' He took a plate, placing food on it and sat on the table. 

Killer did the same, taking a seat next to him with a hint of hesitation that Dust saw ''Is there something wrong?'' He asked again. Killer blushed poking his food before stabbing it ''Err... Nothing much!'' 

This startled Dust a bit but he chuckled a bit nervous from his sudden mood but continued eating.

''You're acting weird right now Killer. But it really isnt my responsibility anyways huh.'' Dust took another bite of his food.

''I'm gonna be your responsiblity...'' Killer murmured and Dust looked at him with confusion ''What was that?'' 


Killer stood up, his food now done as he puts the plate on the sink. Leaving it there before turning to leave the kitchen. He glances one more time at Dust before blushing.

He went to his room after running up the stairs. Staying in there.

''What an odd individual.'' Dust grinned drinking from his glass.

. . .

''...khmf...'' Killer moaned before waking up. Looking at his alarm clock afterwards from the surprise. 

It was 2 in the morning.

''What... w-wait... right now...?'' Killer mumbled looking at his bottom. He had an ectobody summoned. showing a faint glow through his pants.

He stood up from his bed. His thoughts now taking over him.

Walking out of his room, Killer started to slowly walk towards Dust's room.

He reaches his front door. Twisting the door slowly before pushing forward.

''Dust...'' Killer walks inside the dim lit room. Dust laid there on his bed asleep. Not aware of the omega that's now in heat coming in.

Killer gets on his bed. Slowly starting to get ontop of Dust.

When he did, he hugged Dust which woke him up ''W-what's going on-- Killer?!'' He yelled surprised sitting up. Pushing Killer off him and places him infront of him.

Dust takes a deep breathe before realizing that Killer was in heat ''Oh-- Oh shit. Killer why are you here?! It's dangerous!'' Dust put a hand on his cheek.

Killer pushes his face onto his grasp before making Dust pull away blushing a bit ''I forgot about that so quickly... I'll go get your pills. Then you should go back to sleep afterwards...'' Dust stood up but was pulled back down onto the bed by Killer ''What are you doing?!'' Dust said while Killer went ontop of him licking his cheek.

If this keeps up, Dust will lose control of himself.

''Dust...'' Killer seductively whispered whilst straddling him ''Do it with me~''

Do it with me~ (Killer x Dust)Where stories live. Discover now