Chapter 1: My World

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It all started the summer of my Senior year.

Summer sun beating down on my lightly tanned skin. Relaxing upon my neon blue float in the Crystal blue pool. No one near to bother me. No one to criticize me. This is what I enjoy, peace and quiet. I have a few days till I get criticized once again. By my own family. Tell me if I am wrong, but aren't your family suppose to love you for the way you are. That's surely not my family.

Every Independence Day my parents host a huge party. Yes, we have the money but money will never buy happiness. My family believes money is the only thing that keeps us together. Yeah right! I can't stand my family. I can only handle my little brother and sometimes my parents. I consider the rest, people I know.

"Honey, it is time for lunch." my mother walks out to the edge of the pool.

I look over to her. She was in her casual clothing for once. Both my mom and dad are the CEO of a world wide business. Which means they travel the world pretty much non-stop. I am stuck here alone most of the time, that was until they had my little brother. Now that he arrived I have someone to hang around with. Yeah he is only six months old but he is still a very active boy. I love watching him. He gives light to me when I am at my darkest.

I nod my head with a small smile upon my face. She turns and enters the house.

It is once again quiet. I enjoy it like this, I never want to leave. Well, it was quiet till I could hear a truck backing up. I got off my float and out of the pool. Forgetting to get a towel before I came out here, I decided to let my body dry on its own. I began walking to the noise, wondering what it was. Once I got out of my yard and onto the sidewalk, I could see what the annoying noise was.

A moving truck. I forgot that the house next door to me finally sold after two years. Just as I was about to return to my house, I got called over.

"Do you mind helping? My son is running late." A beautiful woman stood at the back of the moving truck.

"Sure, I have a few minutes." I walked over to her and helped her carry a large silk soft brown coach into the house.

"Just place it in that corner for now." I turned and sat it where she asked.

"Your house looks amazing! Last time I entered this house was almost three years ago." I tell her as I looked around.

"You can look around if you like." I nodded my head and began to wonder around the beautiful house.

The rooms were amazing. This house is designed sort of like mine. Big rooms, huge kitchen, and lets not forget each bedroom had it own bathroom!

I started walking down the stairs as my phone began to ring. It is my mom.

"Hello." I answer

"Where are you? I thought you were coming in to eat, but you haven't shown up." She has a hint of worry in her voice for once.

"I am at the new neighbors house. I heard a noise so I went to check it out and she asked if I could help her out."

"Okay honey. Oh! Ask her if she would like to come over for the party this weekend." I nod my head like she could see me.

"Yes ma I will. I will be home soon. Love you!"

I exit the house finding my new neighbor grabbing a box from the truck.

My mom didn't say a word before the phone went dead. No I love yous. No okays. No nothing. Same as every other time I put in back in the band of the bottom of my bathing suit.

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