Chapter 20: Please Keep Her Safe

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Wow! I can't believe I have made it all the way to my due date. I have been through a lot the past few months. I got pregnant, I lost my parents, found out I had a sister, and became a lot closer to the baby's father. Tucker and I broke up. I could keep a relationship going when I knew I had to be a mother. I needed to put them first and I didn't think he was ready. He wanted to go on dates when I need to be home with Carter. My kids are my first priority no matter what. And yes, I consider Carter and Olivia my kids.

I told Olivia about her mom. She took it extremely well. She did shed a tear or two but I think that was because she knew she was finally safe. I still keep an eye out for her though. You never know, she could all of the sudden miss her mom or get really angry. I just wants best for her, she is my little sister after all.

Sawyer comes over everyday before and after work. Yeah, I said work. He got a job helping out at his dad's company. It's not what he wants to do with his life but he wanted to get a job to help out. He cooks meals and even rubs my swollen feet. He really is trying to show that he wants to be in our life. He brings Kaelyn over sometimes so Olivia can have someone to play with. She has even began to teach Kaelyn to dance. I think they will become fabulous dancers one day.

Kayla has gotten herself an apartment just down the road. She said that since she can't afford a house right now, the apartment will have to do. I told her she could stay at the house but she said once the baby comes I will see her again anyways. Sawyer and I decided to make Kayla the godmother. She insists that she has to see her at least once a week. "I can't miss all the memories." she says. That's why I told her she needs to just stay at the house.

Sam is off to college at University of Phoenix. I didn't want him to go, I cried. I knew it was something he really wanted to do, so we said our "See you laters" and he was off. He still comes out to visit and he promises to be back in time for baby girl's arrival.

Chase didn't go far, he's just going to a community college. It's not that far, maybe an hour or two, so he comes back on the weekends. He still stress over me taking my medicine and getting enough rest. I tell him day after day that he can't always worry about me, but he just says he can worry about me as long as he wants.

I was just about to make some breakfast when I felt a gush of water between my legs. At first I thought I peed myself but then it hit me, that's too much. I grabbed my phone and called Sawyer.

"Hey," I could tell in his voice he was upset.

"Hey, umm what's wrong?" I asked as I grabbed a mop and started to clean the mess up.

"Just a slow day. Nothing to do. What's up?" He asked.

"Good cause tell your dad that you need to leave. My water just broke." I told him.

"What! Why didn't you start the conversation out with that?" I could hear him rushing around the office.

"Just figured I would. I will be waiting. Bye." I hung up the phone. "Crap the kids!" I grabbed my phone and called Kayla.

"Hey Godmother! Can you get here to my house like now. I need you to watch the kids."

"Yeah what's up?" She asked.

"Oh just that you will be a godmother soon."

"No way! I will be there as soon as I can!" She hung up the phone.

I then sent a text to Sam. "Hey Sam. Sorry I am doing this over text but I have to get my stuff. My water broke and Sawyer is on his way to get me. Can you please get here in time?"

My hospital bags were already beside the door. We sat them there a week ago since we didn't know when she would make her appearance.

"Olivia!" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

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