kamairixkattia|chapter 6

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kairi's pov

me: she said mama, she said mama!

mattia: looks like someones happy to be the mom

he said smirking.

me: oh hush your just upset she didnt say daddy

mattia got closer to me.

mattia: oh please say that again~

me: w-what?

mattia: nevermind. give me the baby.

i pulled the baby away from him

me: no! remember what happened last time!

mattia: well how else is the baby gonna get use to me? am i that ugly?

me: to answer your question.. yes.

mattia: oh please.

mattia grabbed the baby out of my arms. the baby started to cry, like i expected to.

me: see! i told yo dumbass give it here!

mattia: no! wait just let me hold it.

mattia calmly said.

me: fine, but your gonna take care of him for the rest of the night

mattia: aye aye aye, i didnt sign up for allat

me: i mean you kinda did.

mattia rolled his eyes and started to rock the baby.

the baby was still crying when i got on my phone but a few mins later the crying stopped.

i looked over by mattia. he was feeding the baby while rocking her.

he noticed my glancing at him and spoke.

mattia: so, what should her name be?

me: name? we really gonna name her?

mattia: yeah, why not?

me:hmm well i dont know... HOW ABOUT KAIRI JR

mattia: uhmm no.. how about mattia the third?

me: theres only one mattia- and no.

mattia: hmm what does your name start with? c? k?

me: k

mattia: how about.. kattia?

me: did you just combined our names..

mattia: yeah, if it was a boy it could have been mairi

me: i like mairi, more of my name is in it.

mattia: ouuu kamairi?

me: eww noo

mattia: i like kamairi tho :(

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