mama kairi |chapter 4

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kairis pov

mattia: damn some fuck heads really got in an accident.

i was pale. i was so traumatized. mattia did looked phased at all, as if he see this everyday.

mattia: yeahh lets go a different way.

he said driving to a different street. he looked over at me and seen my pale face.

mattia: its ok shorty, we werent in the accident, its ok, lets go get your sister.

soft mattia? who is he?

hearing him trying to comfort me made me relax a bit more. i took a deep breath and looked out the window.

we were soon at maiyas school and she was sitting on the steps in front of her school. i asked mattia to roll the window down, and he did.


maiya looked up and laughed. she went to the car and climbed in.

maiya: your the only ugly one i see here.

she said giggling.

mattia: i agree.

me: *gasp* SHUT UP.

mattia and maiya both laughed, i crossed my arms and pouted.

maiya: sooo is this your boyfriend?

i quickly turned back to see her face. she was smirking.

me: MAIYA! NO! im straight. you know that. and even if i wasnt, i would never.. with hi-

mattia: watch whatcha say shorty

maiya: ouuuUu

me: maiy- oh my lord mattia, stop putting thoughts in my sister's brain!

mattia: i didnt do anything.

i huffed and turned back facing the window.

i suddenly felt a hand on my thigh, i looked over and it was mattias hand. he had one hand on the steering wheel while the other on my thigh (iykyk) he startled me.

me: what are you doing?

mattia: what i cant..{he got a bit closer to be but still keeping his eyes on the road} touch my boyfriend?

i felt my face getting hot. i took his hand off my thigh.

me: k-keep your hands to yourself.

i said hesitantly

mattia: your no fun.

he said smirking.

mattia: whats her name? maiya?

mattia asked quietly. i looked at him and slowly nodded, kinda concerned.

mattia: maiya honey, isnt mommy kairi a meanie?


maiya: yes papa, mama is so mean



mattia: what? *gasp* oh my god.. are you on your period?!

maiya laughed

maiya: haha good one papa. mama is on her period!!

mattia grinned.

all i could do is sit there in shock with a red face.

mattia: where do yall live?

me: im not telling you that! you creep!

mattia: well i cant drop yall off if i dont know silly

mattia said laughing.

maiya: we live on [insert street address]

me: MAIYA!

maiya: what? how is papa going to be able to come home with the milk if he doesnt know where home is? plus i wanna go home and sleep.

i looked at her with my eyes wide.

mattia: did she lie?

i decide to not even entertain this anymore and sat back in my seat while looking out the window.

moments later mattia arrived to our house and pulled in the driveway.

me and maiya got out.

the drive way was on the right of our house so that mean we would have to walk pass the driver side window, which was where mattia was looking out of.

mattia: psst maiya.

maiya looked at mattia and went back to the car. mattia had whispered something in her ear and they both laughed.

(wHeN hEs GoOd WiTh KiDs)

i walked from the behind the car and seen them laughing as maiya walked away.

me: what did you say to her?!

i asked curiously and concerned

mattia: damn baby not a 'thank you for the ride'?

my face got hotter once he said 'baby'

me: 1. im not your "baby" 2. no because i didnt ask for it and 3. what did you tell me sister.

(uhmm ok kairi go off-)

mattia: woww, so harsh mama kairi. next time i will grab you some chocolate for your period. your really cranky.

he said grabbing my hand.

mattia: for now heres a kiss

he kissed my hand, and i yanked it back.

me: what the fuck man?!

mattia: oh.. did you want a smoochie on the lips?

he made an innocent face.

me: your crazy.

i said walking away from the car, not caring about what he said to maiya anymore.

mattia laughed hard.

mattia: i love you shorty i will be back with the milk later, take care of maiya while im gone~

'i love you'???

i flipped him off and went inside the house.

what the fuck? just happened?

this man was starting to make me question my sexuality


(i want to end it here bc yes (: )

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