Chapter 19: The end.

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Niall’s POV

            Since we are going to Club Inferno tonight I’m going to invite Kelsey to come with me to celebrate since we have been going out every night for the past week. I took out my phone and called her.


            “Hello there.” She answered the phone.

            “Hey gorgeous. Would you like to go clubbing with me at Club Inferno?”

            “I’d love to. Oh hey, I’m sorry about you guys being eliminated.”

            “It’s OK, Simon just signed us to his label SYCO.”

            “I guess that is why we are celebrating huh?” She giggled.

            “Yupp. So I’ll pick you up in an hour.”

            “See you then Nialler.” Then the line went dead.

            I really think I am falling for her. Hopefully she feels the same way. Tonight is going to be fun, it’s not everyday you go clubbing at one of the most popular clubs in the UK.

Marlina’s POV

            I’m relieved I am in the bottom two of the competition but it is against my best friend, Oh who am I kidding, I’m going to smoke her. I will totally win this thing. It will be a walk in the park. Just then the door of my dressing room creaks open and Kat walks in.

            “Hey we’re going clubbing with the boys.” She said.

            “Cool. Which club?”

            “Inferno. But Kendall is going to be there.” She added

            “No worries, knowing Lou he will get wasted and so will she. Once she does then I make my move.” I smirked, “I will get her out of the picture once and for all.”

            “I still don’t feel good about doing this to Louis or Kendall.”

            “UGH! Stop being so weak.” I scoffed, “And if you back out your secret becomes front page of SugarScapes website.”

            She stormed out of the room not wanting to hear anything else I wanted to say. I went back to the house to get the best dress I had. I put on a black cocktail dress with red stilettos. Harry was downstairs waiting for Kat and me so he could drive us to the club.

            “Look at you SEXY LADY!” Kat said.

            “Thank you.” I blushed, “Harry is going to love you in that.” I complimented her. She truly looked beautiful. She was wearing a sequenced blue dress that goes down just above her knee and two toned heels.

            “Thanks, I think we should get going now.” She said gestured out the door and downstairs.

            “Wow, you both look breath-taking.” Harry said as we descended the stairs.

            We left the house and headed to Club Inferno. While in the car Harry and Kat were holding hands the whole time, I just want something like that with someone. It won’t happen unless I go out and get it because that is just how things go with me. If I sit back and wait for something to happen then I turn up disappointed but if I chase what I want then the result is me actually getting what I want. So that is my strategy, CHASE.

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