Chapter 16

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Harry’s POV

            After hearing what happened to Kendall I had to put a stop to all this madness. I go on the first train back home to Holmes Chapel where I knew he would be. Where else could he have gone? I walked up to the familiar door and knocked. The door flung open and there he was.

            “Hey cousin. What’s going on?” He greeted me.

            “You need to stop messing with them. You’re ruining their lives.” I replied.

            “I left didn’t I?”

            “Yeah but all your little friends are still hanging around causing physical and emotional pain to people that I am close to.”

            “What happened now? Is Cera ok?” He asked very concerned.

            “She’s fine Peter, but her cousin not so well. You need to call off your hounds before something else happens.”

            “What am I suppose to do?” He sighed, “I can’t even go near them anymore or else they will call the cops.”

            “Well if you didn’t let the dark side of you take over maybe all this could have been avoided.”

            “It’s an impulse Hazza, I can’t control it.” He said with his head hung, “I am still very much IN LOVE with Cera.”


            “I don’t know.” He replied rubbing the back of his neck, “I guess the thought of losing her was too much and I wasn’t willing to go through that heartbreak. I wasn’t going to shoot her; the gun wasn’t even pointed at her that’s why when Kendall ran she was shot because she ran to the spot I aimed at.” He sighed, “I have regretted that moment ever since it happened.”

            “Then come back with me and make things right, but there is no guarantee that Cera will take you back.” I said. He just stood there thinking about what to do.

Zayn’s POV

            It was almost time to leave for rehearsals and Harry and Louis aren’t even here. I sat down next to Liam watching TV.

            “Hey Liam, where are the guys?” I asked him.

            “I have no idea where Harry is but Louis is at K-“ He was cut off by Louis walking in the door.

            Both, Liam and I turned towards him and we noticed he had the biggest smile on his face with one of his arms behind his back. As he got walked further into the house I could see he was holding someone’s hand, and not just anyone, it was Kendall.

            “KENDALL!” I exclaimed and ran towards her with my arms wide open, lifting her off the ground as I hugged her. She winced in pain, I let go of her and got a better look at her as she ran to Louis. She has black eyes forming and a cut on her lip. Also from how she reacted to me hugging her, I knew she had some bruising there too. “OH MY GOSH! What happened to you?”

            “Love, I think we should get you checked by a doctor.” Louis spoke to Kendall.

Liam pulled me aside and filled me in on what happened. Why would someone do this to such an innocent girl? I felt really bad because she had told me a few months ago that she was waiting for the ‘right guy.’ It shouldn’t have happened like this, he took something she can never get back. It’s just not right. The others don’t know this little secret of hers; I’m the only one she trusted with it.

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