Chapter 3: exploring London

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Later that day I had finished my homework pretty early and decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood. Just taking in the beauty and passed by one of the stores.

“Hello love, may I help you?” The worker behind the counter said as I walk through the door.

“No thank you, I am just browsing around.” I said back.

“If you do I will be right over here.”

“Alright, thank you.”

I looked what felt like every single pair of clothing, I tried a couple on by not satisfied of the outcome of how it looked on me, so I left.

            When I walked out of the clothing store I heard a group of boys laughing loudly. I kept walking trying to ignore their banter. They were getting closer and closer and I started to recognize one of the boy’s voices as he made a joke.

“Why did the mushroom go to the party?” He said jokingly.

“Why?” One of his friends said.

“Because he was a fungi! He laughed.

I turned to see it was Louis. ‘He’s a weirdo!’ I thought to myself. I was about to walk into another store until I heard someone yell my name… it was the sensible boy in the group, Liam Payne. I turned around to be face to face with all five gorgeous of the boys.

Liam started the conversation, “Fancy running into you here, Kendall. Where is your cousin? It seems like you girls never leave each others side.”

“Oh, she is at home finishing up her homework. I finish early so I decided to go exploring London a little.” I smiled.

“A little exploring… how would you like five personal tour guides to show you the major hot spots?” Harry said holding his hand out.

I grabbed his hand in acceptance. “I’d like that.”

            The guys showed me around to the shops, but I fell in love with the Jack Wills store I just kept finding things that were nice. In my head I said ‘this is just like the Forever 21 back home in California.’ I was so fascinated and the guys were now stuck shopping with me.

“Man Kendall. Why not just buy the whole store?” Zayn asked

“Be quiet.” I said laughing and playfully slapping him on the arm.

“Ok, even though you just moved here we are going to have to ‘Londonize’ you.” He said back handing me a bunch of tops and jeans. The four others nodded.

“Wow, this is a lot to try on…” I said staring at the pile of clothes in my hands and continuing, “This is going to be a long day.”

Pushing me into one of the changing rooms he said, “Yup, better get a move on.”

Outfit after outfit we finally left the store with three bags full of clothes but the guys still insisting on going to Super Dry. Once we got there it was like what happened in Jack Wills but instead of it being just Zayn piling on clothes Niall, Louis, Liam and Harry joined in. Then once again, outfit change after outfit change and the boys picking out the best looking ones I paid for the clothes and walked out of the store.

“Wow you guys are very persistent; we have been shopping for four hours. Well I am going to grab a bite at Nandos and if you guys want to continue looking around at the shops or you could keep me company.” I said to them.

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