Chapter 12: Dun dun dun...

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Louis’s POV

So tonight is the night they choose who is going to continue on to the competition and who is going home. They had all of the guy contestants in a line and they started the twenty names that were going to continue boot camp. As the last name was called I looked over to the boys and I could see by the looks on their faces that they were sad when our names weren’t called. We went backstage and all of us started crying but the stage manager yelled for our attention.

“The judges would like these five lads back out on stage: Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Harry Styles, and Louis Tomlinson.” The stage manager announced.

“Whatever they want us back on stage for I hope it is something good.” Niall said biting his nails.

“I have a feeling it will be Nialler.” Liam said putting his arm around him.

We walked back on stage to be faced with the three judges again. They told us that they were giving us a life line by putting us in a band and advancing us through to the judge’s houses. Of course we took it and the first person I had to call was Kendall. I put it on speaker so that the boys could hear her reaction but there was no answer so I called Cera and luckily she answered.

“Hey Tomlinson. Haven’t heard from you in a while. How is boot camp?” She asked.

“It’s good are you with Kendall right now? She isn’t answering her phone.” I replied.

“She is in her room being all depressed.” After she said this I took it off of speaker.

“Wait why? What happened today?”

“Well we had a swim meet last weekend and she didn’t do that well. She wasn’t focused at all like she usually is so got yelled at by our coach.”

“She got yelled at? Would you mind giving her the phone?”

“No problem Lou, give me a second.”

I heard Cera enter the room and tell Kendall that I was on the phone. Even over the phone I knew that she had been crying just by the way she replied to Cera. She refused to talk to me at first but Cera being her pushy self kept pushing and pushing until she gave in.

“Hi Louis. How is boot camp?” She said using a fake happy voice.

“Ken don’t try and pull that fake voice with me. What’s going on?”

“Nothing Lou.”

“I know you are lying Kendall Isabelle Coleman. You better tell me now before I come home and make you tell me.”

“No I won’t tell you what’s wrong Louis William Tomlinson.”

“Why? You know you can tell me anything Kendie.”

“God Lou just drop it before I hang up on you.”

“Please Kendall don’t hang up. Just tell me so I can cheer you up.”

“I MISS YOU OK?!” She said frustrated

“You miss me? Was that s-“ She cut me off.

“I miss all of you guys and it has been killing me not talking or seeing you guys in a month. I just feel lonely and I had this really bad dream the other day and it just made me feel worse.” She started crying on the phone which made me feel really bad.

“Awww I am sorry we haven’t talked to you in a while love. I feel bad now I should have called you every night when I got to the room but the lads kept me away from the phone.” I looked at the boys who stared at me.

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