Chapter 12

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I woke up in a dark room, my hands and legs cuffed to a chair. "Let me go!" I yelled out. " Well. I don't think I can let you do that. You would just run back to Klaus. Wake up! Klaus is the bad guy!" A man yelled at me. I opened my eyes to see Damon. "Your the monster!" I spat at him. "No if I was the monster I wouldn't saved you that night someone drove a stake right into your stomach." "You saved me then sent me away to New York. You didn't care for me!" "That's right I didn't but your mine!" Damon shouted stabbing my hand with a knife. "Your magic won't work here princess. I also checked for vervian I found none. You were playing it mighty dangerous. I'm gonna compel you." Damon said dragging the knife just hard enough to cut the skin. He suddenly threw the knife on the ground and forced me to look at him. "You are going to love me. You will be my wife. You won't remember the originals. You'll let me feed off you whenever." I blink, in a daze I quickly passed out. I awoke in a room. The walls were burgundy,  dark chestnut wood floors and the furniture black. "Damon?!" I called out wondering where my husband was. "In the kitchen dear!" He yelled back. I quickly ran down the stairs sliding in the floors. "It was a good idea. Coming here to New Orleans I mean." "That it was Aria. We got this beautiful house. Pancakes?" He offered handing a plate to me. "You know how much I love them. Almost as much as I love you." I said kissing him softly. "I don't know how I should react to that." He said trying to kiss me back. I quickly swerved out of the way and sat at the table. "You okay dear? You look a tad bit ill. "  Damon said pressing his hand up against my forehead. "I feel a little off. I'm going to go rest okay?" I said backing away from the table and walking up stairs.
Here I was in Silverstone. It was always a hobby of mine to watch racing. But being here at a track was just amazing. "Niklaus!" I yelled towards the man with golden hair. "But I want to get something for you!" He whined. "Fine. But can we please please please go into the pits first. I mean you didn't compel people to get these for nothing!"  I said holding up a pass around my neck. "Fine love!" He grumbled his accent sticking out in almost every syllable he spoke. "Fine Nicklaus. Go quick. Hurry please I love you!" I said kissing him passionately. "I love you too Aria." He said kissing me back. Then he started off to where merchandise was.
End Dream

When I woke up. It was night. What was that? "A memory!" I whispered back. Suddenly the compulsion broke it's grasp on my mind every single memory came back. I searched for my phone. Once I found it I pulled it out. 50% damn my phone can last long. I looked through my contacts. Niklaus was the only one in favorites. "Hello?" Asked a tired Klaus "Klaus it's me!" I whispered that way Damon wouldn't hear. "Aria! Where are you? What's happened?" Klaus said suddenly alert. "Damon took me. I ne-" I was quickly shut up by a whack to the back of my head. I fling the phone under the bed that way Damon wouldn't see. "What are you doing?!" He yelled. "Damon. Honey, I'm sorry." I said. I quickly mumbled a spell and Damon shot up onto the ceiling. "Manere!" I said to the body on the ceiling telling it to say. "Aria?! Aria?! Aria are you okay?!" Klaus yelled down the phone. "I'm fine just need to kill a vampire!" I said knocking one of the posts off the bed and breaking it in half with my knee. "Be careful. I'm going to try and find you!" Klaus said hanging up. "Descendit!" Damon ' s body came off the ceiling and fell to the floor. "Damon you were nice. What happened?" I said plunging the stake into his heart. At the same moment Elena had to walk in. "Oh my god! Damon! Aria what did you do?! Bring him back!" Elena yelled showing her vampire teeth off. " No Elena. He abused me." "Bring. Him. Back." She growled. I mumbled in Latin again, Elena fell on the floor holding her head in her hands. " Stay away from me." I yelled releasing her and running out of the house straight into Klaus. "Aria!" He yelled coming up to hug me. I started seeing black spots. "Aria!" Was the last thing I heard before fading into darkness.

*Hahaha I left you with a cliffhanger. (I think). Damon is dead!!! Okay I love Damon in the show but I mean really. So yea. Comment or DM me ideas cause I would love to keep this story going. I love you all!

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