Chapter 11

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*It will be Aria POV unless indicated otherwise*

We were packing bags. After the whole Silas wakey curse thing it wasn't safe in Mystic Falls anymore. So Klaus and I were heading off to New Orleans, to plan the wedding and live there for a little. I loaded the last of my bags in the car and said my goodbyes. " One thing you want to do before anything else happens." Klaus said to me. "Your mum." I giggle out he gives me a 'really wtf?' Look. "I would like to color my hair. " I said looking at him seriously. "Colors?" "Well a rich red that deepens into purple then the purple deepens into blue." " You gave this thought?" "Eh. I have always wanted to color my hair and be a queen." We talked for a while longer until I fell asleep.
I looked around. It was beautiful. There was a beach surrounding me with lots of shells on the shore. Two little girls ran around on the sand. " Mommy, Daddy! When can we see Aunt Elena and Uncle Damon?" The little girl with reddish hair asked"Not for a long time they hurt your mummy Emma." A male said from the behind me. "When can we see Uncle Elijah again?" The other little girl with darker brown hair asked "Well Anna what if I told you Uncle Elijah was going to be on his way soon!" " Why is Uncle Elijah coming soon?" The girls asked at the same time. "Well your baby brother is coming soon. Mark Daniels Mikaelson. My own baby boy." The man said hugging me. "I love you Niklaus." I said the words coming out of my mouth. " I love you Aria." Klaus said back.
End Dream

I woke up smiling. It was nice to have a good dream. "What?" Klaus asked confused. "I had a good dream." I said smiling widely. "What was it about?" Klaus asked "Well it was about us." "Us? Like you and me?" "No Klaus I mean me and my pet dust particle named Llama. Me and Llama lived on an island of sorts. There where beautiful beaches and sands. There were 2 little girls, twins to be exact. Anna and Emma. Emma looked like her handsome father while Anna looked like her mother. The mother was pregnant again with a little boy named Mark." I finished looking out the window seeing a shopping center "It looks like you and Llama have a wonderful life." Klaus said laughing a little. "Hear that Llama we are gonna have a real life. Not one where people push you away. Not one that you don't deserve. We get to live fully without restraints. We get to be free." I said looking at Klaus the entire time. "We do get to live free. But we need to complete step one." He said pointing to the mall. "What are we here to get?" "Well you Aria, need food. Also your here to get your hair colored and I'm here to pick a dress for the party that Marcel is throwing when we get to New Orleans. " Klaus said exiting the car. My stomach growled loudly.  "See your hungry and I can't have my future wife being super super hungry. Pizza?" "Pepperoni and we have a deal!" He nodded and we headed inside. As we sat down with the whole pizza in front of us I took half. "I still don't understand, Why did breaking my neck not kill me?" "Well your an originals mate. They are rare. Also your the first Gilbert witch in almost forever. The other witches need you here. You can control nature as well as certain originals. Silas wasn't supposed to wake up. At least not in this lifetime. So the witches couldn't predict your death. When you died they had to do something that would make you live. So you killed someone. Making your werewolf gene active  it wouldn't heal a broken neck but with a little help it healed up. So therefore you stayed alive now being harder to kill." Klaus explained. "Someone did their research." I mumbled laughing. Klaus shot me a glare. "I'm sorry but when someone kills me and I magic start killing people while I'm dead! Then you can come to me and tell me you wouldn't do your research." I looked at my plate that now had no signs of pizza. "To the salon?" I asked. "I need to go to the dress shop. Here's some money to buy the hair coloring. I love you. Be safe." Klaus said kissing the top of my forehead then gave me a quick peck on the cheek. I headed to the salon telling the girl what I wanted. About an hour later my hair was done (Kinda like in the picture with this chapter. But more so the top picture on the cover) it looked awesome. "Aria. You look beautiful. " Klaus breathed out from the front of the store. "You like?" "I love it. It also goes with your dress." Klaus said holding up a dress bag. Oh dear god. "New Orleans is about an hour away. Go to sleep my little wolf." He said stroking my cheek as we got into the highway. I soon fell into a dreamless sleep. I woke up in a room. The room had white walls with mahogany wood floors. All the furniture was black with white as any of the cloth, such as pilliows, sheets. I heard a light snore next to me. That's when I notice my legs were tangled with somebody's and that same someone was holding my waist. I turned over slowly looking and the man next to me. Nicklaus. His hair was slightly ruffled. Mouth partway open. He looked adorable. "No. I love you. Please Aria. Don't leave. Stay here." Klaus mumbled. I tried a spell I was learning to try and get into people's dreams. I closed my eyes and opened them to what looked like our house in London. "Aria! Damn it why won't you listen! Wait I know why your a woman! Woman don't do anything! Women are usless!' Klaus shouted. I remember this our first fight. I had gone into town and flirted and drank my heart out because in felt broken. Klaus saw me about to get beat on the streets and pulled me off dragging me back home. "You know what Klaus?! Fine! If in so usless I'm leaving. I won't come back. You won't survive that far away from your mate! But in will cause I'm heading off to see Elijah!" I yelled. I left the room. " No. I love you. Please Aria. Don't leave. Stay here." Klaus said using his vampire speed to get in front of me. "Get away Klaus." "I'll refuse to belive for one second that you don't love me!" Klaus said crashing his lips to mine. That's when we both woke up. "I'm sorry." I whispered turning away from Klaus. "Its okay. It was a stupid fight. And honestly I don't care that you got in my head. Now come on let's get ready!" Klaus said jumping out of bed and getting the dress out of the closet. When he took the covering off I was gretted by a burgundy  dress that went down to the floor. "Its so pretty!" I said grining  like a child in a candy shop. We arrived to the party right on time. We were about yo be introduced. No one knew me yet. " The original hybrid is back!" Marcel yelled from the balcony he walk on. I learned Marcel was King of New Orleans. I walked out onto the balcony where Klaus was. Marcels eyes went wide for a minute "The queen of New Orleans has returned. Aria Gilbert!" Marcel yelled. Returned? I looked at the aduince . They were all bowing except one Damon. "I'll be right back." I whispered in Klaus ear before leaving. I ran to the parking lot. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my left shoulder that was spreading. "Hello Aria. I'm here to take back what is mine." Damon said throwing my body into his truck.

Hello so I would like to tell you I have 5 more chapters beside this planned. And I also know where I think I'm gonna end the book. But thank Mimiyo13 (sorry if I didn't spell that right) for the idea for the end of this chapter. Bye love ya!

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