Chapter 10

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Previously on Twins.....

"Don't cry!" I hear a voice that sounds like Stefan. I look up to see Stefan. "Go away Stefan! " "I'm not Stefan. " He said. "Silas! " I said running up and hugging him.

( Let's just pretend Bonnie is the anchor!)

Aria POV

Silas hugged me back immediately. "Well it's great to see you not in my head! " I said tapping my head "Well doppelgängers stick together. " He said. I nodded my head "You've grown into a feisty little one huh?" "Well being with Klaus for 2 years plus falling in love with him changes you. "Well good thing I have my eye on someone else then huh?" He said "What was the universe going to pair us together?" I said laughing. Silas just shook his head laughing "Your more like a sister than anything. " He said. Placing his hand around my neck. I looked at him and smiled hugging him. As I pulled back I heard a sickening snap then I saw complete blackness.

Klaus POV

All of a sudden I felt empty. No I haven't felt this way since Aria made the bond. 'Aria' I call out there was nothing. I was currently in the Salvatore Boarding house with the whole rest of the people I don't give two damns about. "Oh my god!" I heard Bonnie say.

Aria POV

I closed my eyes to open them inside of the boarding house. "Oh my god! " Bonnie said. I looked at myself seeing as my once clean clothes were all torn and dirty. Jer walked up to me. "Looks like we are together?" He said. "Aria?" Bonnie spoke up. Soon everyone's eyes were on Bonnie. "Where is she?!" Nik demanded "Dead. " Bonnie said. "What do you mean she's dead?" Klaus said I heard his voice breaking. "Silas he manipulated me then killed me. " I said Bonnie relaying my message. "I'll kill him!" Klaus said. "No!" I said "Bonnie I need to use your body just for a minute please!" I pleaded with her. She nodded before excusing herself and performing the spell. I blinked and I was suddenly in real life in Bonnie's body. I walked into the living room. "Klaus you may not kill Silas. Even though he had killed me please let that be your dying fiancé's wish!" "Aria?" He breathed out. "No its the bloody tooth fairy!" I exclaimed. He rolled his eyes before hugging me. "I won't for you. " He said. "I'll do it for me!" He said his temper getting to him. "Niklaus Stop!" "No your just a pretty voice coming out of a girls body. " Klaus said vampire speeding up to me and grabbing my neck shoving against a wall. "Klaus your hurting me. " I said. "I. Don't. Care. " He said. I felt myself slip from Bonnie's body. I dropped onto the floor crying. "Aria! Aria your starting to fade away!" I heard Jeremy yell. I awoke with a start. I sat up and I was in the woods except it was night time. I looked around and I saw bodies bloody and torn limb from limb. " Oh my god!" I exclaimed. "You triggered the curse. " I heard Silas say. "What curse?" "John Gilbert. Your father carried the werewolf gene and it  skips generations so John didn't get it but you did and Elena didn't. " "Because I'm the oldest?" Silas stepped out of the shadows and nodded. "You have the ability to be a hybrid of three. " "Witch, Werewolf and Vampire. " I breathed out. 'Aria ' I heard Klaus say in my head. I felt a pull. "Aria!" Klaus said from far away. "How am I alive?" I asked "When I snapped your neck you died yes. But when you faded away it was because your magic brought you back. For you are the first and only Gilbert/ Petrova/ Pierce witch. " Silas said. "Bye now sweetheart! " He said before I heard a rustle of leaves to find he was gone. "Klaus!" I yelled. Then it hit me I killed people. Innocent people !  I'm a monster. I felt a rush of wind. "Aria!" I heard a voice say it sounded distant. So very far away. I curled into myself and started crying. "Brother I think it's best you leave I will try to get her to cope. " a voice said softly "Elijah I'm marrying her! You do not tell me what to do!" Klaus said. " I killed them! I killed them all!" I whispered but I knew they heard me. I turned to face the bothers they took in surroundings eyes widening slightly. " Aria. " Klaus spoke softly. I ran up to him and hugged him. Burying my face in his chest. "Aria shhhh. " He said playing with my purple highlighted hair. " I activated the curse. " I said through short sobs. "I know. " He said. I cried before I felt myself slipping away into a dream less sleep.

Klaus POV

When Aria's breathing had evened and heart stopped beating quickly I picked her up carrying her bridal style. I walked into the boarding house. " My brother and my sister are dead Damon!" I heard Elena yell. "We will find a way to bring them back!" Damon said "Why you still love her? Are you jealous that Klaus is giving his last name to her and not you? Are you mad because she's becoming Mrs.Mikaleson and not Mrs.Salvatore? " Elena shouted. "Yes I still love her it was a mistake to let her go! Yes I'm jealous she gets the happy ending with Klaus not me! Yes I hate the fact that she won't be walking down the aisle to me but away from me!" He screamed. I decided to make my entrance. "Klaus oh my god what happened?" Elena said looking at her sister in torn, bloody and dirty clothes. " She died bur came back. " I stated trying not to let emotion come through. "Come on I'll show you to you room. " Damon whispered. "I want to talk to you then Klaus. " Elena said. I nodded before I followed Damon up to a room with a bathroom joined to it. I quickly undressed Aria and cleaned all of her cuts.  I then put a shirt on her which I'm pretty sure was Damon as in smells of achool. I laid Aria on the bed tucking her in before going back downstairs. "Why two years? What happened between you two? What 'bond'? Why is she so different?  Why did you accept her offer?" Elena bombarded me with questions. "Aria asked to escape her life for two years. We found a bond it grew and it grew constantly then everything crashed down on us and the attraction was too much. We had fallen in love with each other. A bond when the universe puts two plus people together. She's different because she was around me for extended amounts of time. She interested me at the time. Offering herself over to me to save her twin sister and her younger brother. " I said.  "And then after I got to know her I realized we aren't so different her and I. We crave power and acceptance. She has fire that I haven't seen in a witch before. And most of all I love her. " I conclude. I look up and Elena looks at me in awe. "When's the date?" She asked. What? "Date for what?" "The wedding? " She asked. "Oh we didn't plan yet. " Her mouth shaped like an O. I heard screaming and crying from the room i put Aria in I ran upstairs and held her in my lap. "What's wrong love?" "I relived every death I caused. Oh my god I feel horrible! " "Shh. " "I killed innocent people. People that didn't deserve to die!" "They did die though put that behind you. It's okay!" I sold comforting her until she fell asleep soon so did I.

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