Chapter 7

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Elena POV

Jeremy, Alaric and I listened to the message then called the rest of the gang. We all listened to the message "This is all my fault." Damon said "How?" Stefan asked "I told her I didn't love her anymore and then when I was dying there was the whole Elena me kiss thing and then like she left." "WHAT!" Stefan shouted. This was going to be a long night.

Aria POV

I got out of the car and waited for Klaus to come out. As soon as he did I ran over and hugged him "Thank You!" I breathed out. "Your welcome love." I held his hand as we walked inside. I was scared wait no let me rethink that I was terrified. " Niklaus. " A man with brown hair and a smirk say I guess this is Kol "Kol." " And whom is this wonderful young girl she looks delicious! " I grasped Klaus' hand tighter. "This is Aria another Doppelgänger and also she is my.... girlfriend. " What? I used my powers to give Klaus pain in his back but he just held my hand tighter until I stopped. "Awe what a shame. " Kol said. "I'm going to go wait in the car. " I said trying to keep the tears out of my eyes I don't like emotions and when everything hits you it sucks. I just lost the guy who I thought loved me, I left behind my family, I was claimed Klaus' girlfriend and I was probably about to be eaten alive so yea. I felt tears streaming down my face as I made my way to the door. "Wait love stay!" Klaus said I looked behind me and when he saw my face you could see the guilt set in. Kol rushed over to me and hugged me I cried into his chest. Kol kissed my forehead "I'm sorry I said those things love but I don't know I just seem drawn to you as if it were a bond or something. " Crap there were select people that had soul mates only witches got them but then I remembered what Damon told me a few weeks back 'Kol the youngest brother used to be a warlock. ' It made sense oh no. I peeled away from Kol and rushed out to the car and grabbed my bag. Bonding book, Bonding book , BONDING BOOK! I grabbed it out and opened it up.

' Bonds are a rare thing only occurring to witches and warlocks.

The first step is seeing the person you are bonded to. This awakens the bond and also makes a slight pull towards each other.

The second step is when the bond has grown and at this point in time you may feel as if it hurts to be away from one another. Once you have your first kiss together this step is complete.

The third step is when you can enter each other's minds and you may hear see or feel what your mate is. You may also use this like telepathic abilities.

The fourth and final step is the marking this is when the male bites the female and claimed there's if the bond is not completed when it has to be then both will die possibly ending that witch line. '

Great just great. Knock knock knock. I looked over to see Klaus. I exited the car. "Why did you run away like that?" I gave him the book as he read the page I just read his face became confused "Your brother he said he felt some bond between him and I. I remembered that Kol was a warlock and that some Witches and Warlocks have bonds so I came out here in search of my book. When I read it I was amazed because what if there is a soul mate bond between Kol and me. " that was when I saw Kol and another man who was taller and in a suit. " I don't know Aria. I would like you to met my other brother Elijah. Elijah, Aria. Aria, Elijah. " I shook Elijah ' s hand only to feel a spark of energy. Two bonds to one person impossible. I looked up and it seems as if Elijah felt it too. "Well I'm gonna take a walk!" I said confused as I began walking away they just let me do it. As I made my way away from the house I could feel a headache coming on. It only got worse as I progressed through the street. It wasn't until I walked maybe two or three miles when I felt sick to my stomach. I ran over into a bush and threw up I wiped my mouth only to see it covered in blood. Great the bond. I threw up again and I felt myself getting weaker. I used a spell to go wherever the bond was I don't know how I did it but I did. When I opened my eyes there were three brothers looking horrified at me. I looked over to see I mirror when I looked at myself I saw why. My clothes were covered in blood and so was my mouth and my nose and even some came out of my ears wow the bond is powerful. " What happened?" Elijah asked I could see something red in his ear I forcefully turned his head to see blood in his ear then I went over to Kol and Klaus and did tge same they all did. "Ow!" Klaus said. "No. No that's not even possible!" I screamed " What isn't?" Kol asked "Klaus you read the book what is step two in the bond?" I asked "You may feel it hurts to be away from the other. " I nodded "Now this may sound weird but check your ears." They wiped around the outside of their ears to find blood on their finger then I did the same. "She is bonded to all three of us." Elijah spoke.

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