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(Conversation à 7 heures)

H: good morning! Is Paris this hot in summer?

A: yes, I would say so.

H: how is Marseilles?

A: boring. I would rather be doing something else.

H: I miss you.

A: moi aussi. I have to go, we are about to have breakfast.

H: sure; I'll text later.

A: please do.

(Conversation à 13 heures)

A: I'm sorry I had to turn my phone off or else my parents would have thrown a fit.

H: it's fine☺. Is it only your family you're visiting?

A: yes, in a way. We all came to see my grandparents so it's a full house. Un absolut désordre.

H: I take it to mean an absolute mess?

A: you're getting good in French, I see.

H: I love when you speak French and I get a bit jealous when you speak it to other people if I should be honest.

A: ha! I assure you that you do not want me to speak to you the way I do them. I'm not all the time pleasant.

H: I'll take everything you're willing to give.

A: can I type something?

H: anything.

A: you're too good.

H: I try. I really try.

(Conversation à 17 heures)

"Did you like the picture I sent?"

"I did, yes. If I can be honest, this is the first time I see Paris that way. It's, uh, comment dire... titillating?"

"Really now? You've had this camera for what... months? How come you haven't used it? It's a brilliant piece."

"Years, actually. And, uh, I don't really find time to take photographs. By the way, Harry?"


"You, erm... have a nice laugh. You know... when you, um, laugh?"

*Laughs again* "Really now? Why, thank you. Where are you now?"

*Looks around and moves to a more isolated place* "We are still in the house. My family were discussing me actually. I might have a new hairstyle once I get back in a week."

"But I love your hair! Is there no way out of that?"

*Smiles coyly* "I could feign sickness, but I don't think it will work. Besides, if I fall sick now my stay be prolonged, and all I want is to come back to Paris."

*Pauses* "Can I tell you something?"

"You don't have to ask, Harry."

"I love hearing your voice being full of life like this."
*Becomes a blushing mess just because, and almost knocks over a painting* I— *sees someone coming* I'll talk to you later. I have to go.

(Conversation à 19 heures)

A: I snuck out into the garden so I could text you. How are you?

H: I just came out of the shower. I've been better. I would tell you that I miss you, but you already know that.

(Conversation vers minuit)
*Hushed voice* "Harry? Hello?"

"Why hello." *Amused* "May I know why you're whispering like that?"

*Dumbfounded* "I—I honestly don't know—"

"Are you sleeping alone?"

"Yes, yes I am."

"Then you don't need to whisper, love."

*More dumbfounded and flushing because, hello, Harry said love* "Um, yeah—" *clears throat* "Is this better?"

"Perfect. So how was your day?"

"Nothing new. We did what we knew how to do best."

"And that is?"

"Avoiding people and being hypocrites."

"Don't say that. You're not a hypocrite... unless you've been lying about what you feel about me."

"I—no, never."

"So what exactly do you feel about me?"

*Awkward pause* "I don't know what to say."

"I'm in love with you."

"... Goodnight, Harry."

(Fin de conversation)

Amour (HARRY STYLES AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant