School x

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Hey (: Part two xx

**********************Ace's point of view*******************

I disliked Opal's mother a lot! If possible I hated her! What mother would make their daughter tell the neighbours what had happened, let her own daughter sweat it out, have to say those heart wrenching words while she hid in the kitchen! I knew all my brothers felt the same way about her as they went a bit stiff when she came in and were quite blunt.

*******************Opal's point of view********************

Mum and Kina managed to bribe Sammy to stay downstairs while me and the brothers toured the house. When we got to my room we were chatting like best friends and I led them into my room.

"Wow." Kyle said

"Omg." Jake said, I burst out laughing at this.


"You said omg." I sniggered.

"Yeah and?"

"Don't worry." I said shaking my head.

"Well then..."

"You guys want something to drink? Glass of coke?"

They started laughing so hard I wondered if they'd lost it.

"What's so funny?"

"The way you say glass." Nick gasped.

I thought about it, I s'pose it sound very English the way I said it. I do it for a lot of things, I make it sound like there's an extra "R".

"Gla-r-se." Jake said, trying to make it sound English.

"Oh shut up."

"Oh shut up." They all repeated and started laughing again making me scowl. I noticed Jake was the ring leader of it all. I went into my walk in wardrobe while they were all laughing, pulled on a tank top, came out and tackled Jake to the floor.

"What the-!" Jake said, I had straddled him, my hands holding his wrists down. Hehe.

"Now who's laughing." I taunted.

"Me." He threw his weight up, aiming to get me under him, not going to happen. I jumped off him so I was on my back, pushed my weight up, flipping me up so I landed on my feet. I stuck my tongue out.

"You are so dead, guys, get her!" He ordered. Oh dear.

Kyle went for me, I ducked, danced away from Nick and vaulted over Jake. I ran downstairs and shouted to mum.

"Going for a run, hold the boys off as long as you can!" She laughed as I sprinted out of the door. I heard them behind me, they are not going to give up are they? I ran into the woods, I may have only been her a few days but I knew were all the stumps were and the logs to jump over. But so did they.

I looked over my shoulder and saw it was only Ace. They rest gave up or...

A trap!

Plan B, go in the completely different direction, I swerved left, flew over a log, that gave me a bit more space between me and Ace. I saw a break in the trees leading onto a meadow, well, a sort of hill. I burst into the meadow with Ace hot on my heels, got to the middle before he got me. He snagged my waist and held me tight pulling me to the floor, me landing on top of him but unable to move.

"Got'cha!" he said triumphantly.

"Took you long enough." I chuckled, making him roll his eyes.

"Found them!" I heard Jake shout. It was a trap.

And this is what happened (New girl story)Where stories live. Discover now