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The story begins in an old library, a man in blue reading as a woman scanned the shelves for anything else that might help him. It was quiet, dead, until a voice rang out of a man.

"So, you're looking for the book of ancient legends." He stated. The man in blue glared whilst keeping his head down, unsure of how this strange man could know this. The man and his partner had not spoken since they entered, and even if they did it was at a whisper. "The tale of the demon warrior, Sparda?" He asked. The man in blue began to put his guard up, this strange man was making too many assumptions. It was suspicious to say the least.  The man in blue then closed his book and put it back,

"That's not what I'm looking for, leave me!" He commanded, the blonde woman next to him looking over, concerned.

"Then what ARE you looking for?" The man replied, not heeding the younger man's warnings. "A demon that impregnates a woman, who then bears twin sons... That's the story, isn't it?" This struck a nerve with the younger gentleman as he unsheathed his katana and pointed it toward the man. Something was defiantly off about his man, his aura just radiated creepy.

"Leave me, I won't tell you a third time" the man in blue demanded again as the woman moved closer to him, worrying if something may go down. The man then touched the sword, dragging his finger down it, drawing blood on the floor. The woman looked on in horror as this man began to rant about how he was seduced by evil or... something to that affect. The blue clad man put his katana away, but not before cleaning it off. He took a step back, making sure the woman was behind him as he stated, "what are you getting at?" To which the man replied that he wanted to know the story of Sparda. The man quickly grabbed the woman as they both began to walk away from the disturbing old man.
"Vergil... are you sure this is a good idea?" The woman stuttered as she looked up at the man towering over her, "what of the children? What if he's dangerous?" The man in blue, known as Vergil, looked at her and shook his head.

"He will be of use to us. Once I am done with him, I shall dispose of him." His cold poker face unchanging, but the woman had become unfazed to this.
Standing outside the large tower, noted in the books to be called "Temen-Ni-Gru," Vergil, the mysterious man, and the woman stood.

"The activation method is as I described before, it should be a simple matter for you." The man stated, looking toward Vergil. "I will go to his place, I believe I know where the item we seek is located. You should dispose of any obstacles quickly!" The man almost demanded as he walked away. Almost as if on a cue, demons surrounded Vergil, and he begrudgingly did as the man stated. Though he did not like being told what to do, he knew it was in his and his partner's best interest. His goal was to keep her safe after all, as she was the only person he even slightly cared for. He closed his katana as the demons dissolved and fixed his hair, looking at the woman who moved to the top of the stairs, walking to join her inside the tower.

"It begins..." he muttered as the woman looked at him, worry in her eyes. She looked back at where the other man had walked, knowing what was coming.
The ring of the telephone alerted the young man out of his bathroom, ruffling his still wet hair. He kicked his chair over and sat down, kicking the phone up into his hand.

"Sorry, not open for business yet." He said as he threw the phone back down. Rolling his eyes in annoyance, "I haven't even picked a name for this joint yet, and I'm already getting calls." He complained as he reached over for a slice of leftover pizza. The sound of the door opening alerted him, making him look up to see a bald man in a black suit with heterochromatic eyes. "You a customer too?" He sighed, just wanting to enjoy his pizza in piece.  The man said nothing, "well, if you want to use the bathroom, help yourself. Toilets in the back." He pointed, getting more irritated with the silent treatment. The man just dragged his finger over the pool table.

"Is your name Dante? Son of Sparda?" This mans name was Dante, but the fact that this man came in knowing both his name, and who his dad was alerted him to trouble. He made sure no one knew that information.

"Where did you hear that?" He asked, going defensive.

"From your brother." Dante glared as he saw the man eying his amulet, the last gift he received from his mother before she was murdered. "He sent this invitation for you, please, accept it." While he didn't see any invitations in the mans hand, Dante knew trouble. The next thing he knew was that his desk was flipped on its side. He reacted quickly and landed on his feet, grabbing his gun in the air and pointing it at nothing. The man was gone. Dante hopped off the desk and rescued the pizza from the air. As he went to eat it, he received many stabbed to his body from the sudden demons. He was unscathed though, pulling the scythes out of his body and walking over to his jukebox.

"This party's getting crazy! Let's rock!" He claimed, excitedly. He hit the jukebox but nothing happened, he hit it 3 more times and still no music played. After smashing it, music began to play. He put a piece of pizza in his mouth and got to work.

Riding the demons like a skateboard, firing away, slashing and shooting them to death, even killing a few with pool balls, punching them and kicking them to death, he was a demon killing machine, and he was having fun with it. Sadly the fun came with a cost, his place was a mess and the fan fell from the ceiling. Dante was now sitting atop his desk, noticing some pizza. As he went to grab it, a demon stepped on it. He just shot it, grabbed his jacket and walked to the door.

"I can already tell... looks like it's gonna be one hell of a party!"

Devil May Cry 3; RemasteredWhere stories live. Discover now