22. A/N

366 8 13

I just wanted to say thank you with all my heart if you have read my story till the end. I'm sorry about the butt load of angst.  It just went that way, it wasn't even in my control. I hope you enjoyed reading my story. There will be an epilogue. . . probably. 

If you have voted, left a comment or even just taken time out of your life to read this, just know that I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart and that it has made my day.

Thank you so much. 

Yours Truly, 

ReynaLovegood2 :) 

Edit 2022:  10K holy shit, how did this happen?!

 I'm only half aware of things going on here on Wattpad but I must say that the amount of Jeyna shippers here is still pretty wonderful to see <3

 I remember when I freaked out over this very fic hitting 1K. I never thought this day would ever arrive, but I'm pretty glad it did. My writing has improved and changed drastically from the days when I was making this. And if I were to pull something like this today, it would be out of pure self-hatred because... the angst is strong on this one. But it was, at the time, my longest and most serious fic undertaking; even though I didn't plan any of it. (I could never do that now, you should see my extensive planning for everything else that I do these days.)

Anyway enjoy the TWO Major Character Deaths that nobody asked for and thank you for reading this. I hope you had fun, because I honestly can't stop laughing as I'm going through everything in this fic. It was a mess, but it was my mess. And I'm mostly glad it exists. So

(yes, I still do this - )

Yours truly,

ReynaLovegood2 :)

There's no love without pain // JeynaWhere stories live. Discover now