6. The War

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Jason's POV 

Two months left. Actually, it was one month, 11 days, 9 hrs, 32 minutes and 13 seconds, 12, 11. . . It felt like an eternity to Jason and two months just couldn't go by fast enough. He was still just living on all his past memories. . .


Jason remebered the war. He had hated that time, no one could be sure if a person was alive or not. Even during his battle with Krios the only person on his mind had been Reyna.

 They had taken to attacking Mount Tam on August 18th. That's what the prophecy had said. The had more weapons then but, even at that time, the morale was low. The Titan Krios instilled that much fear in people.

 They had realized from past quests that Mount Othrys was being remade on Mount Tam and, while fighting hords of monsters was intimidating enough, fighting and defeating Krios himself was another little task the Gods asked them to handle. Jason didn't know if the whole camp combined could defeat Krios but, according to the prophecy, one person had to fight him, alone. 

They hadn't known who, when they marched up Mount Tamalpais neither had they known when they breaking through the ranks of monsters surrounding the palace. 

Monsters were going down left and right, but it seemed as though almost as many demigods were also going down. Jason and Reyna, as Preators, were leading but as soon as they broke through their ranks everyone felt a sudden feeling of hope, of unity burning inside themselves and Jason shouted "Twelfth Legion Fulminata!"

 With a rush of energy everyone took down the monsters they were fighting in a few strikes and rushed in. They charged into the hall only to find themselves face to face with dozens of Lastrygonian giants and double the amount of dracaena.

 "Legion! Cuneum formate!" Reyna yelled. They took their formation and charged at the monsters trying their best to do as much damage as possible. They were holding on, they just needed to try a little harder and they might just- suddenly everyone faltered. 

A wave of coldness swept over everyone. It was Krios. He snapped his fingers and Jason was forced to look around himself and he saw. . . it. 

Everyone was dead. Bodies lying every where, not a single one moving. They were all pale. Jason eyes rested on one form, right in front of him, Reyna. She was lying, completely limp, she wasn't breathing and Jason was now beside himself with rage.

 His vision turned red and he didn't even realise what he was doing. He charged Krios. He seemed to be going in slow motion. Krios was... He was laughing and that served as an incentive as he brought his sword down on his chest. Krios blocked but he was pushed backwards. There he was in his navy armour decorated with stars and his ram horned helmet, on the floor, eyes widening. "How..?" Krios wondered aloud. 

Jason charged again. He didn't care about anything, not even his own life. He needed to hurt this... this thing that had killed his friends, killed his Reyna. He slashed and struck, forgetting about all of his Roman training. All he wanted was to hurt him in every way possible. It seemed to go on for hours but even as Krios tried to fight back he couldn't. He kept muttering "How?" In the midst of trying to block Jasons strikes. 

Then Jason did it. He stabbed him in the gut. Krios was spouting golden ichor in all places. Jason didn't care. 

His attention was drawn to the throne room. He left Krios there in all his misery and walked slowly towards it. Then it struck him. He had to destroy the throne. He walked up to it and brought it down on the throne and in one single strike it was cut neatly into two. It fell to opposite sides just as Krios limped in.

"No!" He screamed and ran towards Jason.

 Jason didn't move an inch. Krios moved forwards but his form was fading. He brought down his sword on Jason but it went right through him. "How?" Said Krios' hardly audible voice. 

"Love." whispered Jason just as quiet.

 Krios faded and soon Jason was on his knees weeping. He had no one. Reyna was gone. And so was everyone else. It was all his fault. He wept harder.

"Jason. . ?" Said a voice that Jason knew only too well. His head snapped up, only to see Reyna standing by the doors of the throne room. He jumped up and sprinted to her and hugged her, tightly. "Jason! What happened?" Said Reyna. Jason didn't say anything or let her go he needed to keep her close to him at all times. Reyna disentangled herself from his arms and gave him a questioning look. "The war is over." was all that he said. 

Reyna's eyes widened as she looked behind him. She saw the broken throne and her eyes widened. Jason walked out and, to his relief, what he'd seen was just an illusion. Well, most of it. 

A lot people were still dead and Jason couldn't help but shed a few tears when he saw their faces. Even the little girl who'd injured him on the day he met Reyna. Her limp body was lying just outside the throne room and he thought that she looked young in death, too young. Her name was Kiera. 

He saw one too many familiar faces and, he realized with a pang of guilt, even more unfamiliar ones. Reyna came and stood next to him as he stood at the foot of the mountain and looked around him. As he looked at her, he realized just how lucky he was that Reyna wasn't among one of those who were lying in the palace, lifeless. 

"I swear on the river Styx that I'll never leave you, Reyna, ever again." Said Jason. Reyna looked at him and smiled, though, it didn't reach her eyes. But neither of them heard the distant rumble of lightning that sealed that promise and little did he know that he would soon be breaking it. 


And, unknown to all, that promise would be costing him much, much more pain in the future.

A/N: MWAHAHAHAHAHA.  Yeah, I know, I'm evil. You'll just have to wait and see what happens. . . 

Yours Truly 


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