8. The Last Time

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Jason's POV 


They were leaving tomorrow and Jason believed that he had gotten all his memories back. He remembered everything and he wouldn't forget any of it ever, not if he could help it. That night he went to sleep, though still troubled about seeing Reyna tomorrow, not expecting to get, yet another, last, memory back. . .


Months. That's how long they'd had before Jason was taken away. Unfortunately, even then, they hadn't made things official, they had never told each other the truth. If only they had. . . then neither of them would have had to suffer as much as they did. But those months, though they wouldn't have believed it if someone had told them then, seemed to be causing the most pain, now. Pain that was ripping his soul into pieces because he just. . . he didn't have the damn bloody courage. If only. . .

After the war they were practically inseparable. No matter what occasion arrised, they would find some way to get there together. Nobody, including the both of them, knew why. Maybe it was because they needed to be together just to make sure that nothing had happened to the other. Maybe they were under the influence of some God or the other. Who knows? You can never tell what they might do.

They were very close. Closer than they had ever been before. Sometimes they would just sit and look into each other's eyes. No words, just a companionable silence resonating between them. They were content with only each other.

They would hold hands in the shade of darkness when they thought no one could see. Sometimes they would talk. Talk about the simple things, like how Gwen and Dakota were getting closer and how he might ask her out on a date sometime soon.

Reyna had mentioned that she and her sister were, now, farther than ever before. She had tried visiting Hylla once but when she came back she just seemed angrier and more frustrated than when she had left. She didn't state the reason, instead she kept saying, vaguely, about some 'disagreement'.   

Then, just weeks before Jason was taken away, they became quiet. Too quiet. They just stared. Nobody, including the both of them, understood why. It wasn't even like before. They stared and stared whenever they had time to spare. Their faces expressionless. They would sit in coffee shops in New Rome, in the Preatoria, even while sparring they would seek each other's gaze. Just the silence stretching between them and it seemed. . . weird. Why weird? Because, though they knew the truth, they wouldn't admit it. It was like a game. See who would break first. The problem was, both of them didn't like losing.

But then, one night, Jason broke.

They had been staring, into the depths of one another's soul, waiting for the other to lose the 'game'. They were in the Preatoria and had finished their paperwork. Both their eyelids started drooping, so they got up without a word and went their own ways to their villas.  

Jason stopped dead halfway to his villa. All that they'd ever been through and everything that they'd ever done, it all came rushing back to him in that one second. All his memories, everything, it all came back to him in that moment. He didn't know why but suddenly he was overcome with a wave of realization. If he didn't tell her now then something terrible would happen. He would lose her if he didn't tell her now so he ran towards her villa, completely willing to accept defeat.

He was running, as fast as he could but, he realized, he wouldn't make it. He shouted with all his might. She had to hear him.

"I LOVE YOU, REY-" but then he blacked out.

He had had a rush of all his memories just before Juno had taken them all away.

And that was the night Juno finally put her plan into motion, deciding to put him in a school bus, holding hands with a girl he didn't know. That was the night when Reyna, who thought she'd heard something had shrugged it off and went back to her villa to sleep, not knowing of the heart wrenching pain she was going to experience the next morning as she woke up to see that Jason was gone. Gone from her grasp to a place where she wouldn't be able to claim him back and it was all because they just weren't brave enough. . .


A/N : Hmmm... it's sad, I guess, but I'm not satisfied at all. I rewrote it a few times but it really isn't getting much better. Also today's my birthday! If you're reading this (by any chance -_-) I would really appreciate if you could review. It would, honestly, make this the best birthday ever,

Yours Truly 

ReynaLovegood2 :) 

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