Chapter 4; Date and dungeon

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Noelle's POV

I asked YN to date me, because I was hurt a lot, and he was the first person ever to say anything else to me than criticism. I also fell in love with him after he helped me. There was no way another guy like that existed. Also... his magic, one of a kind. Or three of a kind? I don't honestly know. I waited for YN to give me his answer, but it took forever. I was growing impatient, but I knew that with YN you can't rush things.

YN – Yes. Of course I will date you.

Yes! I thought, and I hugged him tightly.

YN – Cap, we'll be taking the day off.

Yami – Sure.



Me and Noelle were walking on a hill, me showing her my magic's full potential and helping her with control and Noelle enjoying every moment of the date. Suddenly one of Finral's portals appeared, and Luck and Asta walked out.

Luck – Well, looks like Finral's predictions were correct.

Noelle – Fiinral's predictions?

YN – I asked Finral to help me arrange a date. I'm really not used to dating. So Luck, what's up?

Luck – We got a mission from the wizard king himself. We got to discover a dungeon but there are enemies in there. Captain asked us to find you two because you two were requested by the wizard king as well.

YN Noelle – Seriously!?

Luck – Yup.

YN – Alright. How far are we from the dungeon?

Luck – Other side of the country.

YN – Ok. Let's go!

Noelle – How are you going to get us all to the dungeon?

YN – Easy! Armory magic, P-38E Lightning squad! Mount!

The whole party of four was suddenly riding four different P-38E planes. I could hear Asta screaming in confusion, Luck talking to himself, and Noelle being quiet. I decided to radio the whole squad.

YN – Okay guys everybody is on board and we are going towards the dungeon. Don't touch any of the buttons. I'm controlling all four planes right now.

Noelle – Wait. How can I hear you?

YN – Not just you, but everybody else too.

As we were flying towards the dungeon, I noticed another group of mages. They all had golden cloaks, so I thought that they were golden dawn magic knights. I looked for a suitable landing spot, and found a long flat strip of grass. I brought the squad of planes down, and even though the landing was anything but smooth, we were still alive and ready to explore the dungeon.

Noelle – You almost shook me to death!

YN – Oh please! It takes more than that to shake anyone to death!

Noelle – If you say so...

We got out of the planes, and started to walk down the dungeon. The golden dawn team was far ahead. I noticed something like quartz to my left, but I didn't think it was anything important. It will probably haunt me later in this chapter. A loud bang can be heard as a wall comes crashing down, behind it is the author, writing the story. He looks up mad.

Author – Did you have to break the 4th wall?

YN – Sorry.

I was talking to the author, when I was shook back to reality by Asta.

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