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Just as the woman said, we're given warmer clothes, which is a relief since I still only have the ones WICKED provided.

We're sitting at the top of a jutting ledge or rock, looking over the camp when Thomas comes to join us. Below, Aris sits with Sonya and Harriet around a fire, clearly telling some joke.

"Wish Alby could have seen all this," I say, a faint smile on my face.

"And Winston," Frypan adds.

"And Chuck." Thomas is fiddling with the little wooden figurine Chuck had given him.

"They'd be proud of you, you know, Tommy." Newt tells him.


"Hey Aris!" Frypan calls, and the boy looks up at us, waving. "I like that kid."

"Yeah," Minho wrinkles his nose slightly, "still don't trust him though."

We laugh, Newt blows on his gloved hands and rubs them together. I watch him, a lump of emotion choking me.

"(Y/N)?" Newt asks, and I shake my head, wiping at the tears that have formed in my eyes.

"I'm ok," I say, smiling. "Just happy," I look down at the camp, taking Newt's hand in mine. He gives it a reassuring squeeze.

"Hey," says Thomas after a minute, "where's Teresa?"

"She went up there," Newt points to another ledge a little further off where Teresa stands, a blanket around her shoulders, her hair flying in the wind.

"I'm gonna go talk to her," Thomas gets up, heading across the rocks to her spot.

The rest of us just sit, looking out at the pink-tinged sky. It's getting close to dusk.

I shuffle closer to Newt, putting an arm around him and resting my head on his shoulder. I sigh, this is pretty much the best I've felt in a long time.

"Newt," I say softly, "I love you."

He laughs, his arm around me pulling me closer. "I love you too, (Y/N)."

A gagging sound interrupts us, and we turn to see Minho pretending to vomit.

I burst out laughing, Newt doing the same.

"Come on, dude," Frypan says, "it was adorable!"

"No," Minho says, "no it was not."

"You're just jealous nobody says "I love you" to you!" Frypan teases.

"What? No I'm not!"

I lean around Newt, grinning.

"Minho," I say, "you're my one of my best friends and I love you."

"That's still disgusting," he grumbles.

"Guys," Frypan's pointing into the distance, just over the ridge of the mountains. "What's that?"

Two lights appear, followed by the distant sounds of helicopter blades.

"We have to go! Now!" Thomas is running along the rocks towards us, but we're already on our feet. Below, in the camp, the first missiles hit, sending plumes of orange fire into the night sky. People scream, run everywhere, grabbing weapons and supplies. From the helicopter, people in dark WICKED guard uniform drop to the ground on rope, blasting at people.

We run down the hill, into the camp and behind a couple of oil drums.

"Where's Thomas?" Minho yells, somewhere along the way he left us.

WICKED games 2 (Newt x female reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now