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Adelaide sat on the steps to the small building and looked up at the sky. It was sunny and the sun tried its best to shine down to this level of the city. Hearing screaming, she perked up and looked to the side. Standing up and brushing her trousers down she jumped down the steps. Her boots crunched against the gravel as she landed. Kicking her feet as she walked she peered around the side.

Raising an eyebrow she watched as a young woman was held at knife point against the wall. "P-please!" She sniffled.

Adelaide sighed and grabbed a piece of broken crating. Walking down the alleyway she stopped a few paces away. Whistling she waved as the man turned and looked at her. "Two for one, what a deal."

"Erm," Adelaide frowned and waved the broken piece of crating at him. "Who are you, why are you attacking her, and why did you see fit to stumble down here and interrupt my thoughts?"

The man didn't answer but laughed. Shoving the woman away from himself he walked over to her. "Fighting words they are."

"I don't want to fight." Adelaide sighed. "I honestly don't." She looked up at him. "Can I warn you? You hurt me and you'll regret it."

"Oh sure because-" the man never got time to finish his sentence because a bullet hit the wall beside him. "Oh shit...not you..."

"Two for one, we heard you say. This comment is interesting, two for one, for what? Care to enlighten us?" Harvey stepped around the corner and walked down the alleyway. Stopping behind Adelaide he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her against him. "This is the last time we let you wander off." He said irritated while narrowing his eyes at the man. Lowering his gun he nodded to the side. "Leave us alone." The man scampered off quickly, he didn't even look back at them. The woman was glued to the wall with wide eyes.

Adelaide wriggled out of Harvey's grip and stepped forward. "Are you all right?" Adelaide asked quietly, the woman nodded slowly and stumbled forwards. "Be safe," the woman looked at her and then at Harvey and then ran off as quickly as she could. Adelaide winced when she collided with a dustbin. "You didn't...you know..." Adelaide turned to Harvey and nodded at him.

"No, I didn't." He frowned confused. Adelaide smiled and walked forward, holding out her hand she smiled when he placed his hand in hers. She continued to smile as they walked down the alley and back towards the little building they were currently living in. Adelaide's smile didn't slip, for the simple matter being; Harvey was so dependant on that coin. That he didn't flip and follow through with an action, which meant that he wasn't as dependant as he thought. Perhaps there was more of him in there somewhere.


"That's mad, Harvey, that's actually mad." Adelaide said while folding her arms underneath her head. Harvey stopped leaning his arms against his knees and straightened up. Looking towards the window he glanced at Adelaide when she sat up and by his side. "...How? How can you do that?"

"Easy, I walk into the bank, ask the man behind the counter for the money, then I walk out again."

"Harvey...you're missing the main point here."

"I am?"

"You're asking for money to be taken out of accounts which belong to mobsters."

"Yes, I know."

"Mobsters who are still on the loose."

"We know." Harvey muttered, it seemed his patience for her stating the obvious had dwindled.

"They'll hunt you out again." Adelaide looked at him, she sighed quietly, Harvey was just looking down at her. "I'll be quiet now...night, Harvey." She patted him on the shoulder and settled down in the bed. She looked over her shoulder when Harvey stood up and walked over to the window and looked out. He had a thoughtful expression on his face. Rolling her eyes, Adelaide clambered out of the bed and walked over to him. "What do you plan to do with the money you steal?"

"Not thought about that." Harvey looked at her quickly. "Perhaps buy some place to live?"

Adelaide let out a quiet laugh. "Simple first task." Harvey put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. She looked up at him confused.




"There's no but." Adelaide smiled.

"Your worried our plan won't go well?"

"I'm more worried about the 'whys' of you doing it, to be honest." Adelaide said quietly, Harvey leaned his head on top of hers and shut his eyes.

"That doesn't concern you," he said hoarsely while giving her a nudge away from himself. "Sleep," she raised an eyebrow at him. "You look tired, Adelaide. Sleep." He said bluntly while crossing his arms. It seemed like Harvey's plan to bankrupt the mobs wasn't going to happen straight away, rather, he had it in mind to gatecrash a court hearing first. Needless to say when Adelaide had discovered his plan, she ignored him for a few moments before relenting. "I'll be fine," Harvey said while putting his hands on her shoulders. She stood with her arms crossed looking down at the floor. "You worry for us too much, you know?"

"I know."

"We thought we'd check." He said simply with a shrug, she looked up at him and narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Shouldn't you get going? You'll be late otherwise, and I know how much you hate being late for work." Adelaide smirked.

"I can be fashionably late, Addy. There's no harm in that."

"Let them all get settled in first then, hm?"


"Will you be long?"

Harvey looked at her thoughtfully and shook his head. "No, we hope not."

"Quick in and out job, huh?"

"We hope."

"Whose court hearing even is it?"

"Ah, good question." Harvey smiled. "It's the court hearing of one Mr Esposito."

"And he is who?"

"The new head of the Maroni crime family." Harvey gritted his teeth at this, Adelaide nodded slowly. She could see why he wanted to go gatecrash this court hearing. Smiling she straightened his tie and nodded.

"Good luck, with...well...with the obvious, you better get going." She nodded towards the door.

"Are you trying to get rid of us?"

"Perhaps." She smirked.

He sighed heavily and rolled his eyes. "You wished me luck." He said slowly. Adelaide raised an eyebrow at him. "When was the last time you wished me luck?" He frowned. "Oh yes, I remember, when Maroni's court hearing was happening." She looked at the floor sadly. Harvey lifted her face up to look at him. "Ironic, is it not?" Adelaide didn't answer him. "Hm, stay here. Don't go out." He said abruptly while moving away from her.


(Edited: 22/Jan/2020)

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