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After telling the small gang he had of where they were off to tomorrow, Harvey slowly walked up the stairs. He already knew that if he walked into the room which Adelaide had taken over as her bedroom, she wouldn't be asleep. When he reached her room, he pushed the door open slowly and peered in. Frowning and storming in he looked over the empty bed, it didn't even look like it had been slept in. Flicking the light on, Harvey could clearly see that Adelaide was not in this room. Running a hand through his hair he walked forward and tried to figure out where she would be.

Adelaide wasn't one for venturing off exploring. She only did this when he was going somewhere. Considering he wasn't going anywhere until tomorrow, she logically should still be in her room. Yet she wasn't, the whole room was undisturbed. The slightly moth eaten curtain flicked, the movement caught his eye and he walked slowly over. Reaching out and tugging the curtain away he looked at the open window. Harvey wasn't one for naturally panicking, but something stirred within him. He managed to lean against the windowsill and peer out of the gap. There was a metal staircase, clearly it was used as the fire escape route. Letting out a low hum, Harvey reached out and clung onto the nearest rung of the ladder. Gripping tightly onto it he managed to swing himself out of the window and step over to the staircase.

Slowly and quietly he walked up it, despite the building not being used for years the staircase was still stable. It didn't wobble or creak which surprised him considering of the amount of rust which encased the steps and banisters. Peeking over the ledge of the roof, Harvey looked around the surroundings. Adelaide was up here, she was sitting on one of the roof vents wrapped up in a blanket looking up at the sky. Harvey slowly climbed up onto the roof. Adelaide was still oblivious to his presence which made the task of walking up to her, while not getting noticed all the more easier. She did however notice him when he sat down next to her. Harvey pulled his jacket more around himself. Winter was still hanging around the city which made it naturally cold. But winter in Gotham always seemed to be that much more colder and unbearable.

"What are you doing up here?" Harvey turned and looked at her, Adelaide looked a little ashamed at being caught out. "Addy I'm not annoyed, I'm just curious." He smiled lightly, he realised his earlier tone was slightly snappy.

"Fresh air, mainly." Adelaide answered truthfully. "I used to like star gazing when I was younger." She gave him a quick sidewards glance. Harvey nodded slowly not wanting to say anything that would disrupt Adelaide from giving him a little past insight into her life. "I sort of felt a little nostalgic being in my room." Adelaide rubbed her hands up and down her arms. Despite being wrapped up in a blanket she was still cold. The chill in the air shifted through the thin blanket and ebbed through her skin.

"You used to spend a lot of time in your room back at your home?"

"My father didn't like us going out."

"That figures." Harvey grunted and crossed his arms. He perked up and looked at her slowly, Adelaide was looking at him blankly. "Sorry."

"You are right though," she confessed lightly. "He was a paranoid man. He didn't like us going out in general. He even pulled June and I out of public school."

"You sound bitter."

"Bitter, no. Sad, yes."

"Why sad?"

"I had friends, I was good at my lessons. Then all of a sudden that went."

"We're not that different," Harvey paused. Adelaide looked at him confused waiting for him to continue. "In a way, we meant."

"Harvey, tell me our similarities please."

"Our general upbringings are similar. We both grew up in the same area of the city. We were both good at school."

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