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On the edge of Seban society there sat a large brick building. It looked much like a home, to many in Seba it was loved at one for there they were sold their livlihoods. This building was entitled,

Yoski Auction House

The Yoski family had been in power in Seba for longer than anyone could remember; they had money so they utilized it.  Everyone knew that the royal family was merely a pawn to the will of a Yoski. It had been this family that held the belief that whoever was not a citizen of Seba was a lesser being.  They held the opinion that Sebans were gods to be worshiped by the rest of the world, and most of the country agreed.  After all, if they were to tell you that you could be waited on hand and foot, what reason would there be to argue?  That’s exactly what the Yoski’s did; they made the people love them with slaves.

They had started the practice of slavery at the foundation of the country, bringing with them a group of about 100 foreigners.  They beat and trained these people until they too believed that Sebans were gods.  The entirety of the world feared Seba; the country dictated what happened in the world because the majority had been trained with fear to believe that Sebans were more worthy to live.

It wasn’t a hard thing to believe.  Sebans were all perfect, or they seemed to be. Sebans were believed to follow a higher code of morality, one of selflessness towards one another, this was believed to lead to their perfect society; one that no other country on earth could hope to achieve because of the near animal nature of their citizens. On a more physical level Seban advanced technology allowed for cures to things such as acne and other skin conditions that are generally considered imperfections.  People couldn’t get fat in Seba and were commonly fit, tan and entirely perfect down to the small bits, such as lack of hangnails.

The rest of the world had been kept in the dark about such technology; most countries were lucky if they had electricity. Seba had bribed the governments to keep their people oppressed and each year every country would give twenty prime individuals to the industry of slavery as an offering of peace.  Six months later The Auction was held.  Of course throughout the year small auctions were held every weekend, but one rarely saw new stock.  The same slaves were for sale and all of the good ones had a master that they kept unless boredom gained the upper hand.

The six months between The Offering and The Auction were complete hell for the some five hundred males and females who were being integrated into the system.  They were taught to expect pain for the smallest things, such as looking at or speaking to a Seban.  It was during these six months that each was really tested and tortured until they believed beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were worthless and blessed to be in the presence of a Seban, much more to serve them.  The Sebans became gods to the slaves.  This was all the work of the Yoski family, they had pushed the royal family into threatening the rest of the world into submission, and it is in their brick building that our story begins.

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