Chapter 8 : Shut the front door

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Picture of Tyler. ( just to give you an idea of what Tyler looks like.)

As we kissed I felt sparks fly through my whole body, I felt fireworks in my head exploding. After about 10 minutes of kissing, we pulled away heavily breathing. We gazed into each others eyes, finally I broke the silence, " I gotta go pee." He smiled. I went into the bathroom ran a comb through my hair, I brushed my teeth with his toothpaste and my finger. I checked myself in the mirror, I did look good in his clothes. As I got back in the living room Tyler was sitting on the couch going through the t.v. channels. " Already replacing me with the t.v." I said in a teasing tone. " No I'm not replacing you even if I could I wouldn't. So let's talk about us." " Ok" I said. I found out he is the 3rd child of 5, the other 4 are sisters, he said he was tortured by his sisters. Which isn't hard to believe. I could see girls putting make-up on him, painting his finger nails when he was 10 years old and younger. I also found out that his favorite food was lasagna, his least favorite brussel sprouts, his drink of choice beer in a long neck bottle, apparently a can doesn't have the same affect. I also found out that his parents got divorced when he was 12, but they remained friends and stayed in the same town for the kids. After they each remarried and then divorced they married each other again. I told Tyler how I was an only child at least that I know of. I told him my favorite food was lasagna also and my least favorite was jello. ( because of the texture.) I told him my choice of drink a hard lemonade. I told him that my mom had left me and my dad when I was 3 years old. I told him how a year later she was murdered but still is a cold case I told him that's why I thought my dad worked so much. Trying to solve her murder, even though they divorced he always told me that he could still loved her. That's why he never remarried and because he worked at least 80 hours a week.

After we got the basic information covered, my phone beeped. I checked my phone it was a text from Nathan making sure I was safe. Tyler raised an eyebrow at me. I explained to Tyler that Nathan was like an older brother to me, he was always watching out for,me. I told him that Nathan and I had been friends since diaper days. His mom and my mom were friends in school. Since my mom died his mom Kathy had decided to be my mother figure without her over stepping her boundaries. I loved Kathy but more like an older sister, a way older sister. I went there for the holidays. My dad made it a point to join us because he thinks holidays are the most important time for family. After I explained the friendship between Nathan and I, Tyler completely understood that there was nothing going on between us.

After a few more minutes of talking my eyes started getting heavy and I yawned. " Do you want me to take you home?" I kind of shrugged my shoulders before he rushed, " or you could stay here. I promise not to do anything, I will be a perfect gentleman, I'll even sleep on the couch." I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulled him onto the bed with me. " No Tyler you do not have to sleep on the couch, you can sleep in your bed with me, just try any funny business." I said winking. He just smiled. We laid on his bed and he just held me. Within 10 minutes I was asleep. The best sleep I've had in a long time. My eyes fluttered open to a bright sun light coming through the ceiling to floor window. I looked at the clock it said 12:30 pm. I've never slept this late but we didn't go to bed until about 5:30. I was startled to see the spot next to me was empty and cold. My heart sank just a little until I heard the shower running. I stayed in bed until Tyler came out with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. He had droplets of water dripping down his chisled, tanned chest. He smirked and said, " Rayna take a picture it will last longer." I forgot there was a mirror on his dresser to see me checking him out. I walked up behind him wrapped my arms around his torso and said, " Tyler if I had a camera I would." I walked away towards the living room. I could of sworn I heard him pick up his jaw off the floor. After a few minutes he walked into the living room where I was, " Ok I know its Sunday but do you want to spend the day with me or do you have plans?" " I'm free until 5, my dad and I have a Sunday dinner every Sunday to catch up with each other from the week."

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