Chapter 3 game time

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    All the talk at school today was how "hot" Mr. Morris is and the back to school party held at Brad's house tomorrow night. Of course everyone was invited at least all the seniors. Every senior had an invitation stuffed into their lockers stating the date, time and address of the biggest back to school party of the year.

   I had agreed to attend the party tomorrow night and Adriana and Jules was gonna stay the night at my house. I'm glad the party is tomorrow night because I have a volleyball scrimmage against the junior varsity team. They had some really good players that could actually be on the varsity team. ( yea right).

   The game was at five this evening. It was four now, I came early because I was doing some stretching and warm ups. I was practicing bumping and serving against the wall. I heard someone clear their throat behind me. " Nice bumping". I knew that voice it belonged to the one and only Tyler Morris. When I turned around he was standing up near the officials chair with a clipboard in his hand. He was looking directly at me there was something in his eyes, maybe desire maybe even lust with a mixture of confusion and self control. It was then when I noticed I was only in my sports bra and short black practice shorts. I quickly grabbed a t-shirt and threw it over me. At least I was covered a little more. I asked him " Mr. Morris what are you doing here?" "I'm the referee for the scrimmage game, I'm also the new referee for volleyball this season." If I wasn't nervous before I sure as hell am now. When walking by him I shivered, " you look really amazing..... I mean you got good moves." Did I hear him right?

   Finally five came not soon enough for me though. After introductions done of the team players names, my team won the coin toss. Katrina served first, it went to the other team they bumped it back, right to me I jumped up and spiked it right between two players they looked dumbfounded. That was our first point. After the junior varsity team served and by the way we got that point it was Adriana's turn to serve. She nailed it. It was an ace of a serve. After a few more times of hitting back and forth it was time for the match point. As I bounced the ball I glanced around the gym, there was a lot of students and teachers here. One teacher caught my eye he was on the officiating stand. He was staring at me. I don't know why but I definitely got butterflies in my stomach. I looked back in the stands and saw Nathan, Julie and Luke they were all cheering. Three rows up another pair of eyes caught my attention they belonged to Levi. He winked at me and blew a kiss in my direction. I threw the ball up and served it. It was an ace! My teammates jumped off the bench to come congratulate me and the rest of the team. Then they started chanting seniors, varsity seniors and the juniors started chanting juniors. I know it was silly but it was like a little rival tradition. Its to see which class is loudest and of course we all know its the seniors. As the chanting died down I was greeted by Julie, Nathan, Luke and Levi. Adrianna was already in the locker room getting changed she was hurrying for Brad. As we talked for a while I realized that Mr. Morris was still here, he was talking to some of the teachers. I said bye to my friends and we agreed to meet at the Hornets Nest at 7:30. ( its a hometown restaurant it got its name because the school mascot is a Hornet.)

  I got undressed I was in my bra and panties when my phone started playing Something Bad by Carrie Underwood. It was my notification tone. I had received a text message. It said, "  you did a great job you looked amazing on the court, I'll be seeing you on Monday." I didn't bother replying because it was a blocked number. I got in the shower I had my ipod playing, Started from the bottom by Drake. As I showered I reached for my conditioner and someone handed it to me. I rubbed my eyes and opened them to only find Levi standing there. I was buck ass naked. I reached for a towel and wrapped it tightly around my body m " Here you might need these." Levi said handing me my glasses. " Ummmmm..... ok thanks Levi but what the fuck are you doing in the girl's locker room scaring the crap out of me? I thought you were some rapist or serial killer." Levi smirked, " I wouldn't kill anyone and you can't rape the willing." He said getting closer to me until I was against the shower wall. Then he pinned me and he was looking at me with hunger in his eyes. He had his hands on my shoulders he started trailing them down my arms. Then he started kissing me along my shoulder blades,then up my neck to my jawline. Then he breathed in my ear, " sooner or later I won't have to rape you because you will be willing." He must of seen the tears streaming down my face because he got a look of remorse on his face. " sorry I didn't mean to scare you I don't know what came over me." With that he turned around and jogged up the stairs.



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