Wattpad been mean :'((

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Hello, there pumpkins this is me I was about to finish to the end( with 500+ words) but wattpad delete it all my writing :'(((( now I have to write it again...

Im gonna cry that I lost alot of paragraphs in the chapter, I only remember half of the plot I just make :'(( u guys have to wait more few day's cuz I have something important in a few day's....im sooo sry guys... :( forgive me pumpkins TT^TT.

Pls don't blame me on this :'( blame on wattpad for deleting 500+ words.

But I will give you a tittle that I write about(that got deleted)

' I hate u!...I don't actually hate him ' JIMIN.

;'3 haha im gonna cry in the coner and get all the plot back to my head :'T so bye see in a few day's UwU hope u can wait! I luv u guys fowever! Yeee <3

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