Chapter 1

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First POV

I can't believe I'm going to be late. I only had a few days left. I'm pretty sure that it looked like I was flying down the despite that not being one of my quirks. I took a sharp left and scared a couple as I ran past. No time to apologize. I saw the double doors in front of me. Nearly there, just a few more feet and I'll be home free. Then I tripped. I skidded along the pavement before coming to a stop in front of a pair of feet.

I gulped and looked up. She was American and looked like a model. She had blond curly hair that seemed to waterfall around her shoulders. Her bright greens eyes seemed to pop with her tan skin. Her two inch heels helped with the black pencil skirt and the white button up. All in all, she was beautiful. Her vibe though was an don't mess with me or I'll kill you kind of vibe. What's worse, she's my boss.

"Almost late there Aki," She said.

"I know. I have a good excuse this time. Akina wouldn't wake up this morning. The train stopped because of a villain. And then, I had to pick up a book."

She smiled at me then her smile turned into a sly grin. "And that book along with all the other stuff you had in that bag is scattered across the sidewalk."

My eyes widened in horror. I quickly began stuffing my stuff into my bag.

"Why world?!"

I quickly bent down and started picking up my stuff. My bag had 4 notebooks, house keys, cookies that I always carry on me, the new book, pencils, note cards, band-aids, and bandages. She just stood there and laughed at me. People were looking at us strangely. Who would blame them though. We were the strangest pair. People must have thought it my quirk as I stuffed everything in.

I was a 5'4" girl with normal brown hair pulled up into a bun and pale skin. My glasses were thick and they covered my blue eyes. Though if my glasses were off, my eyes would probably scare the world. I was wearing a white long sleeve button up that was tucked into my blue skirt that was knee length. The librarian dress code to sum it up. Thankfully they allowed me to wear my green sneakers. My purple bag really helped complete this crazy outfit.

While my boss was beautiful. She was American and looked like one of those models. She had blond hair that was slightly curled. Her bright green eyes seemed to pop with her makeup. She was also wearing the dress code but with a pair of blue heels and the shirt was short sleeve. They looked about 2 inch or something. I wasn't surprised that the outfit went great with her tan skin. She looked amazing. I couldn't help but feel jealous. Who cares though.

"Aki, are you done yet? We have to open the library one last time."

"Yeah yeah Kira, I'm done."

She grabbed my arm and pulled me up to the door. She tried to open the door. "I think it's jammed again."

This happens all the time. "Move aside Kira. Let me do my job."

"Don't break the hinges this time. I can't fix it in time."

I waved her off. "No promises. And that was one time."

A few people stopped and watched.

"Stuck again?" One of our regulars asked.

Kira sighed and nodded. I took a deep breath and kicked the door. It flew across the room and slammed into wall. I may or may not have used my quirk. At least the hinges weren't broken.

"Again Aki! I know you used your quirk!" I shrugged.

"You said it was jammed and I fixed it. I don't see anything wrong with that."

I felt a pat on my back. It was the other librarian. She had pink hair and hazel eyes. She like me had pale skin.

"Almost broke the hinges off there Aki." She said.

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