Never Friends In The First Place 1: Enter the Pilot

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Notes: Liondon is DM's version of London

All locations in this oneshot are fictional except for Trafalgar Square and Buckingham Palace.

All bold text apart from the notes and the announcement at the botttom is the narrator speaking.

"She is such a pain in the neck..." mumbled Danger Mouse as he collapsed on the sofa in the HQ at Liondon. He'd had a very tiring day, and he'd met someone. Who he hated. Despite the fact that he'd only just met her.

Penfold, his trusty sidekick, was aware of his boss's emotions (mainly because he couldn't hide them very well) and made him a quick snack and a drink.

"Here you go, Chief: a nice, warm cup of tea and some digestive biscuits. These should cheer you up in no time." the hamster announced as he put the little dish on the table by the TV. His rodent friend just groaned and closed his eyes, letting his head fall back as he painfully remembered the events of that day.


"Chief, wakey wakey!" whispered Penfold as he gently shook his friend awake. Danger Mouse slowly got up, rubbing his eyes, waiting for them to adjust to the light coming from the lampshade next to him. He stretched his arms, giving out a big yawn, then he asked tiredly "Penfold, what is it with you today? Normally I'm the one to wake you up." "Sorry chief, but Colonel K wants you in his office in 5 minutes."

That seemed to wake up the mouse properly. He bolted out of his bed, got his clothes and hurried to the bathroom to get dressed. He hopped out 30 seconds later, still putting one of his shoes on. He then quickly grabbed a slice of bread, a knife and a pot of jam, which he spread onto the starchy slice as he was running. When he was done, he tossed the knife and jam aside, quickly eating his small breakfast, then wiped his mouth clean and dashed out of the door.

He leapt into the Danger Car, Penfold following closely behind. They both put on their seatbelts, then Danger Mouse slammed his feet on the accelerator and the cheese-shaped automobile zoomed out of the postbox. Penfold activated the wings of the car, and it took off, soaring by the numerous buildings. Danger Mouse made it to the Colonel's office in record time.

The beaver smiled at the two spies, pleased that they were punctual. He said "Now, I have called you here because today, we are going to have somebody from a completely different whatdyamacallit helping you with your thingamajigs." The agents looked at each other in utter confusion. Then Professor Squawkencluck chimed in, saying "He means that someone from a different universe is going to help you with your missions."

Danger Mouse was relieved that he wasn't going to be stuck with Jeopardy Mouse. They'd recently had an argument, and it didn't end well.

Colonel K continued, saying "This helper is a Spanish teenage girl who can fly stuff. She goes around the world with other friends to stop a guy with a moustache from wrecking everything."

Anyone guessed who it is yet?

Now that sounds just weird, thought Danger Mouse. And a teenager? Honestly? Help me, a fully grown adult, with a proper job, and a sidekick who can be annoying at times, but overall is a great friend?

Penfold, however, thought differently of the situation.

That's nice. Giving a teenager a chance to become a secret agent. And especially with Danger Mouse! Well, it might not go so well after all, ever since the accident with the plushies rebelling.

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