That one time Kyan fell on the floor while sleeping- (quick Xyan thing - again)

158 4 12

*American English words

film > movie

sofa > couch

As the film* credits rolled in, Ubercorn's eyes drifted from the TV to the floor. Popcorn and various unpopped kernels were scattered everywhere, getting caught in every place possible - under the TV, under the couch, behind DVDs and monitors - long story short, the place was an absolute mess.

He then stretched himself out, letting out a small groan of satisfaction as he felt his muscles stretch and relax. He exhaled slowly as he flopped his limbs down momentarily, feeling rather sleepy. He managed to heave himself onto his hind legs, taking a few moments to balance himself before turning around and looking at the sofa*.

Lars's head and right arm dangled over the right armrest, the odd snore escaping from his gaping mouth every time he twitched slightly. Foz was sagging down on himself, his bag-weighted eyes slightly open, allowing the tired anthro to watch the genius's pupils roll from side to side in a slow, almost swinging rhythm.

His vision was then fixated on Xuli, who was slumped over onto the left armrest of the sofa*, a small smile etched on her face. Kyan was lying pretty much on top of her, head resting on hers, fingers intertwined with hers.

Ubercorn chuckled lightly to himself before releasing a soft, yet tremendous yawn deep from his gut, reminding him of the unholy hour it must have been and what a tiring day it was for him and the team. Glitch had accidentally caused a bit of a conundrum at the Louvre earlier, trying to restructure it so more people could visit at the same time, therefore raising income for the owners, but he'd almost made it collapse. At least nothing had been damaged besides a pair of G.O. Boots and a few glass panes.

His train of thoughts were interrupted by a loud thud as Kyan rolled over and slipped off the sofa* and slammed face-first into the floor. He groaned as he slowly raised his head and sleepily checked his head for bleeding.

"Ow." he whispered after a few moments.

"Kyan, are you alright?" Ubercorn asked gently, crouching down to the gymnast's level.

"Yep," he answered. "Just a little crash, that's all."

"...Kyan? You OK?" a female voice croaked as Xuli slowly shook herself awake and dragged herself off the sofa* as the song from the credits continued to play in the background.

"I'm fine, sweetie." Kyan responded, before feeling the unicorn's eyes prying on him in a different manner than before. He turned his head to see Ubercorn smirking at him, and looking at Xuli momentarily before snapping his gaze back to him.

The gymnast cast an annoyed glance at him, before turning back to his girlfriend and slowly cranking himself into a sitting position, revealing a small, untreated scratch he'd received from a glass pane scraping him slightly.

Xuli gasped and examined the mark, eventually calming down, her face falling into an annoyed frown, and she whisper-screamed to Kyan sarcastically "You didn't tell us about this? You could've gotten some nasty infection!"

"Xuli, it's just a scratch, get over it."


She was interrupted by Kyan wrapping his arms around her and dragging her into a tight hug, which she eventually went along with, snuggling into his chest as she felt herself being tugged gently by desire for sleep, which she slowly gave into as Ubercorn stared down on both of them, a tired smile tugging at his lips.

Kyan stayed there for a little while, before hearing his dreams calling him and answering them, almost falling backwards. Ubercorn managed to snap himself awake enough to catch him before he hit his head on the cold floor again. He considered carrying them up, but thought better of it and gently dragged the sleeping Jetters to the sofa*, resting Kyan's back on it before heading back to his dormitory for the night.

Ayo I finally managed to finish a oneshot-

So I'm probably going to do a different fandom for the next shot since so far it's all been GJ with a slight hint of Danger Mouse ig-

So I have 2 ideas right now, 1 Piggy and 1 FNaF:

Piggy idea: Friend to Foe

Content warnings: Character Death

Potential blood

Potential gore

So basically a short story of how I perceive the demise of humanity (including Harold/TIO/Dude Man) in the Piggy universe. It might not be canon, but I personally quite like this idea.

FNaF idea: Put to Rest

Content warnings: Settings similar to hanging

Potential blood


Another potentially canon thing - how Old Man Consequences managed to finally convince Cassidy to rest her soul after everything happened.

Most of the time people don't bother choosing, but I'd appreciate it if some of you guys choose-

-December Winterwolf

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