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Chapter Five


I use to wonder what made someone so nasty… so despicable.

I use to think,






They changed people.

They didn’t.

It was always something… Something in a moment, far before it happens. Sometimes it’s almost impossible to pin point the exact moment you turned so cold-hearted you lost yourself…

When Dalliance had said the word ‘Test’ I didn’t actually think she meant an actual paper to pen test, and I didn’t think the other girls did either. The last time I’d done a test like this, it was to pass as a lady. My tests were completely rigged and in my situation it honestly wouldn’t surprise me if it happened again. We sat down some of the girls looked completely confused. I noticed Jessica was smiling down at it. Things like these had always been of her expertise.

“Ladies, thank you for gathering here. As you can tell by the paper turned upside down on your desks, today’s test will be like a normal school exam. You have until the end of the day to finish. You can finish before then if you please. You may begin.” Dalliance smiled, at us and then left.

Turning the page over I examined the first questions.

This wasn’t and ordinary test.

Answer the following questions based on if you won the competition.

1.What would you say to one of your people who were homeless, sick and begging for your money to feed his children?

I frowned, what would say? Most importantly what’s the right thing to say? Not the right thing by people in the castle, because they’d want you to say something along the lines of ‘No, be gone.’ And they would. King Andrew may have not but this one certainly would.

The kingdom had so much money… and they could easily pay for the next few weeks of food for this man’s family, but they wouldn’t because they’d claim it’d be unfair to the rest of this society… but then people would die, and it would be my fault. The kingdom did have enough money to give everyone enough money to live off for the next couple of weeks though, and it wouldn’t be unfair on everyone else that way, either.

So I wrote it down.

A loud screech echoed throughout the room.

Lateesha, Sofia, Jessica and Gwen had all rose. “Have fun girls,” Gwen snickered as she left behind the rest of them, which left me and four other girls. I was surprised that they’d finished so early. There were only five questions but the questions themselves required great thought and concentration. I shook it off observing my next question.

2.If Prince Derrick were to die, your kingdom became poor would you sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of the kingdoms and marry a rich king. Or say Prince Derrick was alive, you and he had a child, and she was a girl. You kingdom became poor, would you force her to marry a rich king?

It’s hard to think of a life with Derrick now… after him… I sighed. The only reason I’m still in this contest is for him, everything I’m doing is for him. Everything. I know that sounds stupid… but it was the only way we had a chance. We weren’t in love but we were… we had… is there a middle ground between like and love?

If Prince Derrick were to die,

I didn’t want to think about it. Sure, he wasn’t him anymore, but he was still there somewhere hidden within his cold emotionless state. If he died…

I don’t know. I won’t say I won’t be able to live without him, because I would. I know I could.

If I was queen and I was married to… him. Would I do that to myself? I mean one person against thousands of people. Of course I would. It was the future, people I knew, people I love, people that loved me… or at least I hope they would if I ever became queen. I would in a heartbeat.

To my daughter…

That was another story. If she wanted to, I would let her. I would search every option possible first, but if it came down to it, I guess I would have to. It was her duty as the princess.

3.What would your first act as queen be?

My first act as queen? I don’t know… The priorities of my people would come first. Wouldn’t the first thing to do was to check that everyone was nice, healthy and content? Not just by checking files or anything like that, but by going out there and meeting everyone. Have small talk with them. Make sure they had enough food and water. Discuss any issues they had.

That would be the first step anyone took right, their needs above your own?

4.If for some odd reason you had to choose to sacrifice yourself so that your people would be well and healthy. Would you do it?

Would I risk my own life to save thousands of people? Of course I would, like I said before one life to many. I quickly wrote down ‘Of course, with no second thoughts.’

5.Describe what a queen is to you?

A queen… to me…

A queen is a leader; a queen is solid, loyal, smart and witty. She stands by her kingdom no matter what and trusts her subjects with her heart and soul. Her kingdom is not a part of her… but who she is and what she stands for… A queen is prepared and ready for anything. Is strong enough for anything but most importantly a queen is kind-hearted and always looks for the best in people.

Who was I kidding? I wasn’t fit to be a queen. I can barely even take care of myself, let alone a whole kingdom. A queen is flawless, perfect. I’m nowhere near it; I could never ever be perfect. It just wasn’t who I was, at all.

Rising from my seat, I looked out the window to see it was now dark and everyone else had left. Sighing I put my paper in the pile at the front and fled.

I’d done my best, but is my best always going to be enough?

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