Come back to California, chapter 16

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AN: Love me or love me noe?! I'm in the middle of my exam period but so glad I can make time to update this one, te-he! So good to be back with you all lovelies x

Love me, will you all? Votes & reviews, they syre are DIAMONDS x


Liz x


'I won't... I definitely will NOT upset your girlfriend, Ryan!' Nash said when they all get back to the hotel suite.

'Ha-ha, true!' Jamie clapped. 'I wished I had taken that girl's face when you talked to her, Ellie. It was p-r-i-c-e-l-e-s-s!' He threw himself on the couch. Ian immediately kicked him off the chair and sat on it. 'Hey, you're so dead! Keaggy!'

'Ha-ha! Try to beat me then!' Ian threw a game console to Jamie and they started to play some stupid games again.

'Well, that's what you get when you mess with the Dunnings.' Dorothy hugged her sister proudly. 'Especially this one. I learnt everything from her.'

'You're being too modest, sweetie!' Ellie giggled, hugging her back.

'Eh, you as well?' Nash asked surprisingly.

'What, Mr Overstreet? You want to run away from me already?' Dorothy joked.

'How? You might kill my next girlfriend.' Nash stuck his tongue out and ran to his bedroom. Dorothy immediately chased after him, shouting in her own language.

'Jesus! They're a real trouble couple!' Ellie walked over to Ryan, who was standing in next to the fridge with his chilled bottle of beer. She just frowned when she realised what he was drinking.

'I love you, Elizabeth Dunning.' Ryan suddenly said.

'You're drunk already?' Ellie giggled and kissed him on his cheek.

'No. I just figure out that I should have come back home and asked you to come here. You just make me feel like I never deserve your love. The same thing with Holly...' He smiled gently.

'Shh.' Ellie put a finger on his lips. 'I certainly do not doubt your feelings, Ryan. We agreed that long distance relationship is really hard. And I don't want you to stress over it.' She sweetly said. 'Besides, I want to surprise you, so how can I tell you?'

'True.' He leaned over and kissed her. She immediately responded to his kiss.

'Ewww. Get a room!' Jamie shouted from the living room.

'He's right.' Ryan smirked. 'I heard you have your own room, right?'

'As the matter of fact I do.' She ran a finger on his chest, smiling. 'And Ryan...'


'Even though I love the sexy beer taste of your kiss, but don't drink to often, okay?'

'Yes, ma'am.' He pushed her to the fridge.

'RYAN!' Jamie and Ian shouted together.

'Okay. We're going!' Ryan snapped loudly and pulled her out of the room.

And God knew how long it took them to get to her room because they stopped and kissed each other in the hallway for a countless time.



Ryan suddenly heard his alarm clock went off.


The poor clock ended up in the corner of the room. But, oh, Jesus!


It didn't stop ringing. He wanted to sleep so badly and it continued to ring. It was only half past five in the bloody early morning and Gods knew New York this time was freezing cold.

Come Back to California (Hot Chelle Rae Fan Fiction, Ryan/OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now