Chapter 3: A Friend's Side Of The Story/ It's All An Act

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Ok, sorry for those of you that have been waiting for me to update, it’s just kind of hard to find time to type when I can and also read peoples stories, which reminds me people, EVERYONE I am a fan of have some really great stories, so after you finish reading this chapter you should seriously go check their stories out. Alright I’ll get to the story now. Oh and I know this is shorter than the other chapters, and I was planning on doing something else for this chapter, but I changed my mind, cause I’m lazy so sorry, but I’m sure the next one will be longer.


~Sammy’s P.O.V~

 I didn’t get a good sleep last night because of Louis and Liam, now hold up, don’t be getting ahead of me with those little perverted minds of yours, I mean they were loud and were just basically being boys, they were loudly laugh, singing, and some things that just don’t make sense to me.

 Lately Liam’s been coming over a lot and Louis and him have been giving each other weird looks at school, but it’s funny cause they think no one notices, but everyone obviously does, I mean how could I not notice that my brother has a little crush, but of course by the way Liam acts around him I’m sure the feelings mutual.

 I’ve kind of gotten off track, I didn’t mean to get into a whole thing about Liam and Louis, no, the person I’m worried about is Kacey. Kacey and I used to be really close, we would do everything together. We had some good times, but ever since Kacey’s mom passed she’s been acting different. She thinks none of us notice, but how could we not? I mean Kacey used to be bubbly and weird and just talk all the time and she never would shut up, but she doesn’t act like that anymore. Yeah, sure she puts on a pretty good act at school, but I’m not blind. I know when my friend’s not telling me something.

 A few months after Kacey started acting differently, all the people close to her, well basically just her friends, kind of had a little meeting about it. I suggested that we ask her about it and get her to tell us what’s wrong, but Liam said that if she wanted to tell she would and we just needed to give her, her space. Well frankly I think Liam’s wrong, I mean he’s not a girl so he doesn’t understand how we think. When a girl says she doesn’t really want to talk about something, it actually means, please someone ask me, let me know you care, but I didn’t voice my opinion and decided just to let it go.

 Now here we are a year and three months later and we still don’t know what’s wrong with Kacey. I’ve decided that I’m not just going to wait around for Kacey to decide she wants to trust us and let us know what’s eating away at her, no, I’m going to confront her about it cause that’s what friends do. Not really sure how I’m going to ask her, but when I figure something out I’ll let you know, but first I plan on trying to get her to let me in little by little and when that happens I’m sure I’ll know exactly how to ask her.

 But until then I’ll just have to spend time with her, and today I plan to do just that. Sure it’s a school day and all, but I plan to ask her for a ride and then maybe joke around like we used to. I’m not sure what we’ll talk about but it’ll be fine don’t worry all I have to do is text her and get that ride.

 Ok Sammy, just text her, what’s the worst she could say?

 She could say no.

 So what if she does, it’s not that big of a deal right?

 I don’t know, maybe you’ll never figure out what’s wrong with her.

 That’s awful!

 Just calm down and text her, it’s not like you’re asking a guy out on a date. She’s your friend, don’t freak out.

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