Chapter 5: When In Doubt Sneak Out

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Author’s Note: Why hello there my lovelies!! I was bored so I thought I’d update one of my stories! I do realize that I should be updating more often, but with school and everyday problems it’s kind of hard to do that, so bear with me please. Any who I hope you enjoy it!!

~Kacey’s P.O.V~

 I slammed the front door of Niall’s flat shut as I marched across the street to my house, snowflakes danced in the air and fell to the cold white ground only to disappear into the depths of white with the rest of their brothers and sisters as they hit the ground, and as I took a wrong step, causing me to slip on the iced sidewalk making me face plant into a cold mound of snow.

 “Kacey, wait!” I heard a worry stricken Irish accent cry out from behind me as a door creaked open and quickly slammed shut as foot steps could be heard plunging into the snow and coming my way.

 I quickly pushed myself up, my feet slightly slipping underneath me in a clumsy manner as I tried running away from the Irish boy who had tried to break down my walls, but I refused to let him. He was playing me and I wasn’t going to be some joke, or play thing to another person just for their pleasure.

 I could feel the blood pounding in my ears as I ran to my house, grabbed the knob of the door, twisted it, and slammed it shut just as Niall had come up to the door, causing me to breath a sigh of relief and sink down to the floor, against the door, as a loud banging began on the other side of the door.

 “Kacey, please! Tell me what I did wrong!” He begged as the loud banging continued, and something that sounded like sobbing could be heard through the door, or maybe it was my own sobbing that I could hear.

 I pushed myself off the door as I felt warm tears begin to fall, and I made my way up the stairs to my room, kicking my shoes off as I crawled on to my bed and grabbed one of my pillows and continued to cry into it.

 The loud banging could still be heard from down stairs and the constant calling of my name could also be heard over the sound of my loud sobs that racked my body and caused me to shake slightly as I let the pain of my broken heart fully take over.

 Eventually the banging stopped and I could no longer hear Niall shouting my name, leaving the house filled with a noisy silence and the sound of me hiccupping through my tears.

 I grabbed my knees and pulled them close to my chest as I continued to cry over something as silly as a boy breaking my heart. I thought I was stronger than that, but Niall almost got through my walls, the walls that I had put up to protect myself, and with a feeling of pure hatred for my stupidity, I buried my face into the gap between my knees and chest, and for the first time, in a long time, I cried myself to sleep.


I woke up the next morning to the sound of my ticking clock, and the light of the Saturday sun shining through the drapes of my window, revealing the gray sky that captured the feeling that was in my aching heart, and made me want to scream with rage, and sadness.

 I looked around to find that I was tucked into my bed and I had been put into a pair of my pajama pants, and my socks had been stripped from my feet, leaving them bitterly cold underneath the comforter of my bed that clearly wasn’t doing its job.

 I looked over to the clock that laid next to me on my nightstand to the right of my bed with my lamp sitting next to it. Along with the lamp and clock laid a yellow note that was written in cursive, with every ‘i’ dotted with a heart.

 Good morning Kacey! I came home to find you fully dressed lying in your bed snoring like a bear, any who I thought I’d be motherly and put you in something more comfortable and tuck you in. Trust me it wasn’t an easy task. Anyway this morning when I went to go to work I found a blonde haired Irishmen standing on our front porch, who seemed a little disappointed when he realized I was coming out of the house and not you. I didn’t know why he was there exactly, but he said he really needed talk to you, so I let him in. I figured he was your boyfriend or something, so he’s probably on the couch now as you read this. I suggest you go talk to him.

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