Chapter 6: I Am Alone

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Author’s Note: I’m updating! I got me a new lovely cover, see it over there my lovelies?! Anywhores, I’m finally updating, and I realize it’s been a while, but here I am, once again, to update this story that a lot of people seem to love. I also felt really sad writing this chapter, so I hope you guys like it! Love ya! :)

 ~Kacey’s P.O.V~

 I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly. I wasn’t certain how exactly I was going to explain that I kind of fell for the douche bag, but when he tried to kiss me I pushed him away, and today I shimmied down the side of my house in order to escape him. Yeah, that sounds a bit crazy, doesn’t it?

 “Well-“ I didn’t have a chance to finished the rest of my statement before I felt a sudden weight on my back, and arms wrap around my neck.

 “KACEY!” I heard a familiar voice shout as the arms around my neck wrapped themselves tighter. “I haven’t seen you in forever! I MISSED YOU!!”

 “Les…lie…can’t…breathe!” I tried to get the words out as the arms around my neck began to constrict me.

 Leslie jumped off my back at these words, only to run around to the front of me, and embrace me in a suffocating hug. Her long straight locks flowed down her back as she squished herself against me.

 “Leslie, you’re going to break your glasses.” Harry chuckled as he continued to stir the cake mix in his bowl.

 My eyebrow twitched with irritation at the fact that the bastard was letting her choke me to death instead of helping me. I swore that once I got out of Leslie’s grip, I was going to murder him, and I was going to make it as painful as possible.

 Leslie giggled as she finally released me and pushed up her rather large glasses that she was usually picked on for. People always called her four-eyes and a lot of other names because she wore such big nerd glasses, but she would always brush it off. I hate to say it, but I think Leslie, a fifteen year old girl, was a hell of a lot stronger than I was.

 “So, whatcha doing here Kace?!” Leslie asked, calling me Kace was only something I would let her do. I don’t know why, but I really disliked the nickname, but Leslie, was well, Leslie, I could hardly ask her not to.

 “Uh, I was actually going to ask Harry for help with something.” I said, remember once again, the awkward conversation I would have to have with him, that he most definitely was going to make fun of me for.

 “Oh,” Leslie said, seeming somewhat disappointed. “I guess I’m kind of in the way, yeah?”

 I sighed feeling a bit guilty. “It’s not that it’s just…it’s a situation I can only talk to Hazza about.”

 Leslie looked at Harry and frowned. “Fine, I guess he probably would be better help in whatever it is that you need.”

 I gave her a grateful smile as I watched her walk out of the kitchen, slightly moping her way into the living room. “I swear, I have no idea why she likes you so much.” Harry said shaking his head slightly.

 “I’m just a lovable person.” I said, before letting out a loud groan and hitting my head against one of the counters. “I’m also a gullible person.”

 Harry chuckled as he set the bowl of mix down, and then propping his elbow on the counter, resting his chin in his hand as he gave me a cheeky grin. “I’m all ears Kacey, what’s the problem?”

 I sighed deeply as I went into full on description of what exactly had happened the past few days with Niall. He laughed at the part when I slipped in the snow, but he shut right up after I told him I cried myself to sleep after that.

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