Chapter 5

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SORRY FOR NOT uploading in aages but i just lost the flow in this story for a while if ya get what i mean.


---------LISA POV---------------

I can't wait! I walked up the stairs when I got home, OK more like ran. I looked at the clock and the numbers 4:00 flashed in neon green. I could quickly do my homework then get ready. I finally managed to finish my homework at 5:00. I'm smart but I'm not THAT smart! I got up and took a quick shower and stepped out smelling like strawberries. Hmm, love that smell. 

I went to my closet and looked through it. 

"Not that not you...WHOA! Definitely not you!" I said to myself as I pulled out this frumpy and frocky THING. What was I thinking when I bought this?!

I sighed and threw it onto the pile of clothes on my bed. I shot a quick glance at the clock and 5:30 flashed across the clock. Argh! I swear I did not have this many clothes when I looked through it before!

I dug deeper into my closet and pulled out a dress.

"Perfect." I mumbled to myself. It was all black with a white strip along the bottom. It had thin arm straps to hold it up and a cute little white ribbon just underneath my chest. I smiled a big goofy smile to myself as I pulled it up.

I walked to the mirror and did a little twirl. I walked over to my closet and looked for some shoes. 

I ended up getting some black heels that were not too much but not to little either. I walked over to my mirror and looked at my face.

It looked pretty good. My skin isn't perfect and I do get the occasional pimple or two but other than that I take good care of. Wash it twice a day and cleanse it. 

But today it didn't look like I needed much make-up. Good.  I put on some light mascara but I didn't really want to but just to make them darker. My eyelashes weren't long really jut really, really curly and I liked them like that. 

I hated it when girls put on tonnes of mascara on their eyelashes and they looked like they had tarantulas on their eyes. I shuddered and put on some light, sparkly black eyeshadow.

I finally put on some light pink lipgloss and slipped my chapstick into my purse. 

Let's do this.


The doorbell rang and I ran down the stairs. 

"Bye mum, bye dad! Don't wait up!" I shouted as I tried to make it to the front door before they could catch me. Keyword: Tried. 

"Wait, wait...wait!" My dad said as he came out of the front room. I stopped and turned around slowly to face him as my mum joined him.

He crossed his arms and put on a stern face. What is he doing?

"Now. Open the door."

I gave him a weird look and walked over to the door. I opened it and there was Luke. My breath caught as I saw him under the porch light. He looked stunning in his black dress shirt which was left unbuttoned over his dark jeans. 

"Hey." He said to me with a smile on his face.


My dad walked over behind me and stared at Luke. 

"Come in young man." 

No. Please tell me he isn't going to go all protective Dada over me!

"So, what do you want with my little girl."

I flushed and stared at my dad with my mouth hanging open.

"I wanted to take this beautiful girl out on a date and enjoy it like she deserves. Since she already deserves the world." He said strongly to my dad.

Did this room just get hotter? 

"And since it is already 8pm, I think we should go! Who agrees? 'Me'," I said quietly,"Really! Then I think we should go since everyone agrees. Bye!" I said and pulled on Luke's arm until we were out the door and I slammed it behind us.

"That was embarrassing."

"I think it was sweet." Luke said softly as he brushed his fingers across my cheeks softly.

"I bet you would." I said.

"Shall we?" He said and held out his arm.

"Yes we shall kind Sir." I said and tucked my hand in the crook of his arm. 

This is going to be a good date. I can feel it.




I had followed the jerks car towards Lisa's house and parked behind him with a couple of cars in between us. He isn't going to get Lisa that easily. Not if I can help it.

I saw them get into the car and drive off. I started my car and followed them at a steady pace. 


thankyou for reading!

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