Chapter 9

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Hinata-chan's Pov

As we made our way to Hokage-sama's office, I thought about what happened back at the Hyuga Compound. 

My father tried to brand me with the Caged Bird Seal and kill Naru-kun. It made me realize that my father trully did not care for me. I knew the signs Diachi did were not for the regular Caged Bird Seal. It was a more powerful seal. The seal is usually used on Hyuga's who commit treason and are sentenced to be killed.

I felt my eyes water at the thought of what almost happened. I stopped walking and started to sob.

"Hina-chan what's wrong?" Naru-kun asked.

"I just realized that my father tried to kill me. They were going to put a more powerful seal on me, one that's used on Hyuga's who commit treason. I would have died the moment the seal was activated." I cried.

Naru-kun wrapped his arms around me as I cried my heart out. My father was so heartless. All he cared about was power. Ever since my mother died, he has been nothing but a power hungry bastard. The council has put so many ideas into his head, that he doesn't see reason anymore.

"Don't worry Hina-chan. I will make sure he pays for what he did to you. That's a promise." Naru-kun whispered before pulling me towards the Hokage Tower again.

As we entered Hokage-sama's office, we heard someone say something about killing Naruto-kun.

"That damned brat should be killed." The masculine voice roared.

"You will not touch my son!"

Iruka-sensei was already here.

Everyone turned to look at us as we entered the room. The shinobi members smiled while the civilians glared in hatred at my boyfriend.

Iruka-sensei pulled both of us into his arms and started stroking our hair. He kissed my forehead then kissed Naru-kun's. "I'm so glad you're both alright. You nearly gave me a heartattack back there and that's not an easy thing to do."

"Sorry Otou-san. We didn't mean to." Naru-kun whispered into his adoptive father's shoulder.

"Sorry Iruka-sensei." I said looking down.

"Don't worry guys. Just be careful." Iruka-sensei said.

"We will."

"Naruto-kun. Did Hiashi-san and Daichi attack Hinata-chan?" Hokage-sama asked.

"Yes they did Oji-san." Naru-kun replyed.

"What did the seal look like?" Inoichi-san asked.

"I don't know how to describe it, but it sure as hell didn't look like the one Neji-san has. I could see the dark chakra gathered as Daichi was going through the seals. It was black instead of green and had a weird looking symbol in the middle." Naru-kun said as he tried to remember everything.

The every Shinobi in the room gasped.

"You don't mean..." Tsume-san trailed off.

"The seal the boy described is known as the Black Dragon of pain. The seal, when activated, causes pain so intense that it kills the person instantly. This seal is only used on those who has committed treason." Shibi-san explained.

"Hiashi-san has finally lost his mind." Choza-san growled.

"I can't believe he would do that to his own child. How troublesome." Shikaku grumbled.

"Maybe the bitch deserved it!" A pink-haired banshee screeched.

Before anyone could blink, Naru-kun had a sword pointed at her neck glaring daggers at her. Everyone was shocked to say the least.

"What did you say about my hime, you pink-haired freak?" Naruto-kun growled.

"I said she.."

"I dare you to finish that sentence. I won't hesitate to cut your head from your shoulders if you so much as look at her wrong. Do I make myself clear?" 

The lady nodded her head slightly scared.

"Naru-chan please calm down. You can threaten people later." Hokage-sama told him.

When Naru-kun didn't move, Iruka-sensei walked behind him and hugged his neck and started whispering into his ear. Naru-kun slowly started calming down, but he didn't remove his sword from Pinky's neck. He looked into his father's eyes and nodded then slowly turned towards the council.

"Let's get something straight right now and I'm only going to say this once. If anyone insults or tries to hurt me or my hime again, I will not hesitate to kill you or them. I'm sick of this. Hina-chan is the nicest person in the village and gets treated like crap for it by her clan. Neji-san told me how Hanabi-san would beat Hinata-chan to the point she can't move when they train because she doesn't want to hurt her sister. It has to stop and if those damn council members have something to say they can find me. The beatings and everything have to stop. I refuse to sit around and let these people beat on me anymore. I'm not their damn slave. I had no control over what happened all those years ago so they have no right to take their anger out on me. I should be able to walk my own village with being afraid of getting beaten over something I didn't do. Is that clear?" 

The Shinobi  in the room smiled and nodded their heads at Naru-kun while the civilians looked like they were about to piss themselves.

"Naru-chan. I will have three of my best ANBU guard you and Hinata-chan. They will give you your privacy on your dates and nights in, but they will be within yelling distance in case something happens." Hokage-sama stated.

"Okay Oji-san." Naru-kun smiled.

"Naruto-kun. If any of the villagers bother you, let us know." Inoichi-san said smiling evilly.


"Now. Hinata-chan you will be Clan Head until we figure out what to do with your father. I will handle the council."

"Thank you Hokage-sama." I said bowing.

"Your welcome Hime." Hokage-sama teased causing me to blush scarlet.

"Come on Hina-hime. I want to go home." Naru-kun yawned pulling me out the room.

"See you later Iruka-sensei." I said.

"Bye guys."

Hokage-sama's POV

That boy will make a fine Hokage one day. I thought to myself as I watched him and Hinata-chan walk out the door.

"Boar. I want you and Dog to guard Naruto-kun and Hinata-chan when their not at Iruka's or on dates. But, you will remain in yelling distance in case something goes wrong." I ordered.

"Yes Hokage-sama." He teleporting out of the room.

"If I hear of anyone hurting Naruto-kun or Hinata-chan, they will be stripped of their rank and and in prison for life. Dismissed."

Now where was I.  I thought picking up an orange book.

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