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Our next interview is with Sarah Qazi, otherwise known as xMysteriously_Darkx. She’s the author of an awesome book entered in the Wattys: Those Lost Memories!!!

Dear Fellow Wattpadders, welcome in the studio…. SARAH QAZI!!!

Me: Welcome!

Sarah: Thank you!

Me: Should we start with a question straightaway, or do a small talk first?

Sarah: That’s going to be mean for the readers, though!

Me: True! Ok, let’s start. Question number one: What inspired you to write ‘’Those Lost Memories’’?

Sarah: Well, my main inspiration is music. Whenever I listen to music, I feel like I’m drifting to my own world where I begin to create a new story every time. Though Lost Memories is probably the only book I’ve written hence, it’s the only one I adore so far. I’ve actually got 7 more stories stored up in my computer which I plan to write after ending TLM.

Me: So music, huh? I feel the same way. Whenever I’m writing a sad scene in my books, I put on sad music and so on with angry scenes, happy scenes, calm scenes, love scenes… It’s a good inspiration. But now on to question two! Do you take your writing seriously?

Sarah: I do indeed take my writing very seriously. I aspire to become one of those bestselling authors :D

Me: Well, they way your book is turning out, you just might! Do you have an author you’re inspired by?

Sarah: I don’t particularly feel inspired by authors, though a few of them out there do make me feel like I too, want to write something of my own that people will feel inspired by. And that thought alone, keeps me going.

Me: There are lots of authors who have written legendary books, it’s almost impossible to choose one, isn’t it? So what is your favourite book? I mean, outside Wattpad?

Sarah: My favourite book outside Wattpad cannot be told in words. I would have to write a book on my favourite books (ironic right?) but yes, I do adore reading Twilight a lot, though my story is in no way connected to it (except maybe for my male protagonist’s name, haha).

Me: Oh, I adore Twilight! I like the books more than the films, though, although Robert Pattinson is a total hottie (swoon moment coming up…) Well, now we’ve covered the outside Wattpad books, what about inside Wattpad? What is your favourite book inside Wattpad?

Sarah: My favourite book inside Wattpad is this book called The Different Shades of White, by my older sister Beenish Saquib (@BNSH_SHAHEEN). She’s been a great supporter of my book and her own series inspire me a great deal.

Me: So your older sister is here on Wattpad too? That’s so awesome! When did you start writing?

Sarah: I started writing way back in second grade. I used to write essays and short stories (creating my own fairy-tales was my favourite pastime). I started seeing my destiny more clearly of what I want to become when I was introduced to Wattpad :D

Me: Well, your story has certainly become a huge success! What did you do/say/think when you your book first received 5K reads?

Sarah: Well, the only thing I could do was gape at the screen, then shout like a banshee because I clearly remember the last time I checked it was lurking somewhere around 1.9K or something and the next time it’s 5K!! it’s amazing how I didn’t end up in hospital due to cardiac arrest. I was minutes away from one, haha!

Me: That is a lot of reads! For what reason did you enter the Wattys?

Sarah: There’s no specific reason for entering my book into the Wattys at all. I was just surfing Wattpad and stumbled upon the contest’s return. I didn’t really know what I was thinking when I clicked on the rules and read the terms but somehow I typed the tag #Wattys2014 onto my story. I mean, I always thing, ‘’Why not give it a shot? I’ve got nothing to lose.’’

Me: That’s very true. There’s always a chance you might win, as there is for everybody. Speaking of winning, what would you do/say/think if you actually won the Wattys?

Sarah: Personally, I don’t think I have a shot at winning the Wattys, but I was looking for experience anyway. So I don’t know what I would do if I win. Probably just break down crying and then laugh. Then I would distribute cupcakes everywhere. Also the red velvet ones :D

Me: *thumbs crossed* *PLEASE WIN, PLEASE WIN, PLEASE WIN!* *I want those cupcakes!* Nah, I’m being silly, I really hope you win (and not because of the cupcakes :D). Have you got a favourite author on Wattpad?

Sarah: The only author I really look up to a lot on here is @BNSH_SHAHEEN, (she’s my pillar on here)

Me: That’s your sister, right? That is so nice, to have a sister you can look up to. I have one too, but she’s married and lives in the UK…:( and then another one who isn't really interested in writing stories, but more in music and dance... So what’s your opinion of Wattpad?

Sarah: Wattpad is my own personal heaven which I escape to when I need a break from this tiring world and my life. There are absolutely no rules here to live life and you can just be yourself. You needn’t care a damn what others think of you because they don’t know you and probably won’t even ever meet you so you get away with almost everything you do, haha :D. And rest all is just amazing. There’s no other site that matches Wattpad. It’s truly superb and damn awesome :D

Me: I totally, absolutely 100% agree with you on that one! Now as a conclusion to this interview, would you like to say anything to you fans out there?

Sarah: I don’t have fans, I have readers and they’re basically my family on Wattpad. I know in my heart that they will be with me every step I take (which means every chapter I write) and they support me through everything. I couldn’t have asked for better readers. They’re all amazing, specially @BNSH_SHAHEEN, @april-love22, @KaiKai4172, @Dark_Souls6789, @AndreDarna, @Rafequazi, @aishabughani1d, @Dr_Sydreh, @TessaSkye99 (:D) and many more (I can’t write all their names here, the list is endless, however they’ve received their own special mentions in my book. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH :D.

Me: Awww, that’s so sweet! And thank you for including me in the list! And thank you for writing such an amazing story and we love you so much, too!

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