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And once again, we’re back with another interview. This interview was requested by @AthenaPrue450

So welcome in the studio… (drumroll)… Poptastic749, author of Almighty Choice!

Me: Hi!

Angelina: Hello!

Me: Okay, so I’m going to ask you some questions… starting with… Do you have a favourite book on Wattpad?

Angelina: Not really, I’ve enjoyed some books more than others but I don’t have favourites. I’m just not that type of person.

Me: Me too! There are so many good books, it’s hard to choose! Question two is… Do you take your writing career seriously?

Angelina: Yes, I do. At first it started out as just something fun for me to do, but then I started getting a lot of good feedback from readers, friends and teachers and I started taking it more seriously.

Me: With that in mind, are you planning on becoming a published author?

Angelina: That I am not sure. I would like to write up a story and complete it, maybe have it published, but I wouldn’t be banking on that as a career for myself.

Me: I feel the same way…:D What made you start writing in the first place?

Angelina: That I actually can’t remember. I’ve been writing now for years, at least five, but I think it started because I’ve always loved reading- no- devouring books! So I’ve always had these ideas swirling around my head and if I couldn’t get them down onto paper I just couldn’t stop thinking about them…

Me: That happens to me too! Only then sometimes I start a book and then I’m not able to finish it because it get boring, oops… Anyway, how did you come up with the title for Almighty Child?

Angelina: Well, when I was thinking about a title for the book, I already knew it was going to be about a girl who was the most powerful being in the supernatural community had ever seen. I knew that she had to have a title that fit this role and when you define Almighty it states everything that Lea is. Powerful, unstoppable. And so the Almighty Child just felt fitting.

Me: That’s true. Tell me, is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Angelina: No, I’m not trying to portray any kind of message through my writing but I guess if you interfered a little you could say that I have the underlying message of: Don’t judge a book by its cover. Even though Leah is this unstoppable force of nature doesn’t mean she’s evil.

Me: Yes, that would be a good message. Many problems exist because of too hasty judging…You said you read a lot: what books have influenced your life most?

Angelina: I’d have to say Twilight was one that influenced me. It was a series that I just read over and over and over again. As well as the Thirst series and the Shadow Falls series. I’m sure there are more but those are the most prominent ones that pushed me to write. I wanted to be as successful as their authors and just write with the burning passion I had: creating stories that people could enjoy and just get lost in.

Me: Oooh, I love the Twilight series! They are so good! If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?

Angelina: That’s really hard. I think I’d have to say either Stephenie Meyer or C. C. Hunter. Stephenie Meyer because she’s so inspirational and doesn’t care what the world wants, she just writes what she wants to write. C. C. Hunter because I can relate to her so much, she’s crazy and wild and just wants to have fun while she writes. Plus they both have such a good outlook on writing and their fans.

Me: They are inspirational writers. I must say Stephenie would have been one choice of mine. Have you got any advice for other writers?

Angelina: Do not give up! Don’t quit because you think you’re no good, keep writing and editing until you perfect your work. Take criticism at a business level, never take it personally. If people criticise your work, try and learn from their comments, don’t take offence. It will only make you miserable and then you won’t want to write anymore. And research! If you’re writing about a topic and need to include real stuff, don’t be afraid to research! It will as a whole different level to your work!

Me: That’s really good advice! Thanks for that! Well, one last question: do you have anything to say to your fans?

Angelina: Thank you, mostly. As I’ve said before, I don’t think I would be writing as much if I didn’t know that people were enjoying my stories. Thank you for the beautiful comments and support. Sometimes I get a little emotional because you are all so great and I don’t think I actually deserve it. So I guess just a general thank you for everything you have given me!

Me: Thank you for writing such amazing stories and thank you for doing this interview with me! Everyone… applause for Angelina!


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