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Anna looked around.

     She saw Jason Voorhees drowned, like he did in 1957.

     Jason was prone.

      Then she saw his dead eyes open.

       And she stabbed him in the chest ten more times with his chest, back, and eyes. And, once she ignored the blood gushing out of the Zombie like killer, she heard the sirens of the Police.

          "About bloody time" Anna said.

         And, when she ran away from the murky lake, she waved at the Police...And they aimed their guns at her with their .44 Magnums, since she still held the bloody poker in her right hand.

           "HOLD IT! DROP THE POKER!"  Crystal Lake Sheriff Dale Maloney shouted.

           And then he shot her in the head three times.

           And Anna Maddox died in a pool of blood.


Jason Voorhees watched the Sheriff Dale Maloney and everyone else tag, bag, and erect yellow CRIME SCENE tape around Camp Crystal Lake, he walked away from his icy lake prison. Then he headed back to the old brown colored barn, where he slept for the rest of the night...But only after the Sheriff and the other intruders left the Camp of Legend once and for all.

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